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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Her consciousness was slowly fading "So.. tired.. but I got to.. get up!" Renamon got her spirit fired up as she walked towards the quarry to meet Rasputin

    As she was walking, the fox steeled her will and kept going reaching the magician´s location, she then took a cross-leged position and meditated
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




      "Who is it?" A light purple-haired girl with bent rabbit ears opened the mansion gate. She was carrying with her a box of chocolates. "Oh, visitors. Wriggle, and Utsuho... what happened to you, Utsuho?"

      "Long story." Utsuho foolishly laughed, scratching her head in embarrassment. "If I tried to tell you, you wouldn't understand."
      "Hmm, okay." The rabbit-eared girl nodded. "How can I help you?"



        "Hmm, okay." The rabbit-eared girl nodded. "How can I help you?"

        "We need something from Eintei, to fix the bridge in Old Hell.", John said as he looked down to the girl in front of him.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



          "Yeah, we were looking for... what was it?" Utsuho tried to remember the material they needed. "Oh right, Golden Bamboo. Do you know where to find those?"
          "Golden bamboo..." Reisen murmured. "You will have to go find Tewi. Only she has been around Eientei to witness Golden Bamboo growing."

          "Please do come in. I will prepare tea and find Tewi for you."



            John followed the others into the building and stood in the hall, waiting for Reisen to return with Tewi.

            (While I'm here, I'd might as well see if Eirin can replicate my Biofoam.), John thought to himself.

            "I'll be back.", John said to the others.

            John walked around the interior of the building, trying to find someone to direct him to Eirin.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



              The hallways of Eirin was a repetitive one: yet such repetitive continuation of doors and walls, combined with the dim red light of the torches, gave this hallway a very hypnotic look.
              "Eirin-sama, you have a visitor." The rabbit-girl told the lady in the hospital room.
              "Ah, thank you, Udonge." Eirin smiled, dismissing Udonge. "Come in... you are John, right?"



                "Ah, thank you, Udonge." Eirin smiled, dismissing Udonge. "Come in... you are John, right?", Eirin asked.

                "Correct.", John said as he entered the room.

                "You see, I used most of my Biofoam to help Yumeko and used it once more during the assault on the Neo-Yakuza base. The reason I'm here is to ask if there's a way that you could replicate Biofoam. It's because I'm almost out and it would be bad if I run out when I truly need it.", John said.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                  The fox just stood there meditating, her breaths were slow and peaceful, she was in complete peace for what people could see


                  Renamon was sitting on a rock looking at the sunset horizon, she just looked at it with hope. With time, Nera appeared behind her and took a seat close to the vixen "Almost done, right?" she asked and the vixen nodded "To be honest.. I didn´t know you were going to go so far to bring us back Renamon, but the moment you met us here, I was so glad I could even die of joy" the jackal said taking the fox´s paw with hers.

                  "Well, like Mara says, Im a stubborn fox" with that both of them laughed, then the fox asked with a rather embarrased tone "By the way.. How did we.. ended up like mates?" the fox´s face had a shade of crimson and she was looking at the horizon again.

                  "Oh.. well.. it was actually you the one who threw the ball to the air so i would catch it" Nera said half laughing and blushing too

                  "It was a calm sunset like this, we were going back to one of the towns of my world, Mara was dealing with her personal issues, so we were traveling alone. You were gathering some berries while I was taking care of the fireplace because I got injured by a Tyranitar´s attack" Nera said showing a scar hidden below her fur on the left ribs to the left armpit. "We were already close for quite a long time so we didn´t mind at all for being treated by eachother like healing injuries and related stuff , but when you were changing my bandages.." the jackal blushed heavily.

                  Renamon got the message and asked rather surprised "Did we-" "Oh no, Oh Arceus we didn´t, you were too shy for something like that yet" Nera interrupted and finished "You looked at my eyes and asked me about the moon like the time we first met, I said "It is pure, calm and beautiful" and you just said-" "Like you cerulean Jackal" The fox finished the sentence.

                  Both the fox and the jackal looked at the sunset horizon
                  Last edited by Kristia; 06-12-2013, 01:32 AM.
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                    "Looks like it won't take that long." After a long silence, Rasputin rose from his makeshift magician's circle and entered his shack. "It won't be long now."


                    "If you have basic idea of what chemicals are in there, I can happily create some for you." Eirin smiled kindly as the rabbit-eared girl, Reisen, walked in, carrying a smaller bunny-eared girl.
                    "She was outside Eientei making traps." Reisen groaned as the smaller girl struggled, shouting "Let me go!"



                      "If you have basic idea of what chemicals are in there, I can happily create some for you." Eirin smiled kindly.

                      "Ah... The best I can do is give you a sample. I honestly don't have any idea on how they made it. I can tell you that once it expands inside of a wound, it stops internal bleeding and regenerates lost tissue over time. I hope that might narrow things down.", John said.

                      All of a sudden, Reisen returned with a smaller rabbit-eared girl.

                      "She was outside Eientei making traps." Reisen groaned as the smaller girl struggled, shouting "Let me go!"
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                        "Rapid cell regrowth... That's either 6-ethyl-8-dichloro-isononane or Triflurine. And it stops bleeding... Must be a chemical that promotes plateletg growth, which indicates that it may be a trace bit of Iron mixed in it." Eirin analyzed. "A sample will be perfect."

                        "What shall we do with Tewi's mischiefs this time?" Reisen asked.
                        "Just have her help with making mochi," Eirin ordered, but hesitated and thought for a bit. "Actually, do as you please."
                        "Very well, master." Reisen nodded, gave a brisk bow of a soldier's, and walked out of Eirin's office, Tewi still in her clutch.



                          John opened up the hatch on his armor that held his Biofoam.

                          "Here we go. To make foam come out, just push down on the nozzle, but not too hard or else it will spray all over the place. There's about 1/8 of the Biofoam left, so it should be enough.", John said as he handed the canister to Eirin.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Metal Gear Testing Lane, Base 2, Australia

                            "I think it would be wise to surrender now". The person then began floating upwards with the keyblade pointing upwards too.
                            When he had gotten a little air between himself and the ground he dragged the keyblade down as if it was a switch of some sort.
                            He then quickly teleported behind the enemy struck a few times, teleported to the side of the enemy, attacked a few times and teleported a few times.
                            While teleporting around the enemy was not able to move either. When he was done attacking he finished it all by teleporting in front of the enemy and smashing the blade into the ground causing a attack similar to the last one.
                            Born in the light.
                            Molded in the dark

                            Never Forget,
                            Keep Fighting.
                            –Don't Forget.
                            Always, somewhere,
                            someone is fighting for you.
                            –As long as you remember her,
                            you are not alone.


                              "Urg! You... No matter! Let's see if the rockets will work this time!

                              I activated the rockets. They flew into the air at a fast speed hitting the ground around the enemy, causing a disturbance to the ground.

                              "Okay, listen up! I'm going to strike a deal. I'll rejoin the Neo-Yakuza and follow your commands. However, I will destroy the Snakes if they ever come around! There is no reason to fight amongst eachother, right?


                                Lisborn, Australia

                                Vergil rolls his eyes as Dynamo introduces himself. "I'll be back, I need to go take care of something..." He said as he walks away from the group, leaving the Yamato in the van. Vergil proceeds to explore the city as though he is looking for something.
                                Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...

