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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Alfred laughed.

    "Silly fool. We of the insanity live in darkness! And plus, your friends still aren't safe. Go, Marie!"

    Suddenly, the maid doll rushes by them quickly, following Ocelot and the others.



      Phantom just sighed at the Mad Father's response, quickly and suddenly before the doll could get too far A small blue energy blade comes out of nowhere, impaling the doll through the head.

      Suddenly the place lit up again, there was now more than one Phantom!? There was a total of four Phantom, one standing over the doll, and 3 surrounding Alfred. Each Phantom was armed with a small one-handed energy blade.
      "No matter the case, you are still going up against a deadly foe. I might not win this fight, but I will still slow you down!" Said the 4 Phantom's simultaneously as the 3 surrounding Alfred charge at him. The one Phantom that had impaled the doll looks up at Dio. "You must go! Help the others protect the girl!"


        Dio nodded.

        "Right... Look out!"

        The maid doll tried to stab Phantom with a knife, but instead stabbed Dio.

        "... I'll handle Marie..."

        Alfred laughed. "Hehehehe... You'll be a formidable opponent indeed. But can you beat madness!?"

        He throws up his chainsaw in the air and rushes to one of the copies. He punches it in the throat and kicks it on the side of the head. He proceeds to the next one and his the bridge of the nose with his palm and kicked him in the stomach. Then he grabbed the chainsaw that came down and begun hacking at the third copy, laughing all the way.



          As Alfred and the doll strike all the clones they just vanish in a puff of smoke, nothing more than mere copies. Suddenly the real Phantom reappears behind Alfred, a energy tipped Kunai in hand. As Phantom grew closer to his target he tossed the Kunai towards the mans back.

          "I have not experienced madness myself, but I have seen it several times before! I've seen Mavericks more insane than you!" Phantom yelled as he jumped back, throwing a barrage of plasma tipped Kunai's at Alfred.
          Last edited by NeoFox; 08-22-2013, 04:13 PM.


            Alfred took the shots to the back, but he just stood there. Then,.he turned around, revealing a bloody smile.

            "More insane, you say? I'LL SHOW YOU INSANE!!!"

            He then threw his chainsaw at Phantom at a fast speed And hit his shoulder.



              As Phantom tried to avoid the chainsaw, and failed the chainsaw ripped right into his bad shoulder. This caused Phantom to let out a scream of pain that echoed throughout the entire Mansion. "Damn you..." He said as he pulled the chainsaw out of his shoulder.

              "For an insane man you are quite skilled in combat..." Said Phantom as his arm falls off at the shoulder. "However you have yet to see my true power!" Said Phantom as he jumps into the air. As he does he begins hovering in place, as dark flames surround him, forming a ghastly skull around Phantom. Suddenly 2 red eyes appear from inside the skull of black fire.

              As the flames dissipate Phantom could be seen in a completely different form than before.

              At the size of a pick-up truck Phantom hovers there in his Armed Phenomenon form. "This is the first time I have assumed this form... and it shall also be the last!" He said as his blade-like wings close together, causing Phantom to take the form of a large Kunai like object. Phantom then begins spinning like a drill towards Alfred.
              Last edited by NeoFox; 08-22-2013, 05:19 PM.


                "You took the words right from my mouth!"

                He then opened my coat, revealing a small round disk implanted in his chest. Then, it began expanding across his body to form an exoskeleton. I grabbed his drill with much effort. I tried to throw it aside.

                "Neo-Yakuza brand exoskeleton, model IV, engineered from video game mechanics,.and I'm the first to try it! THANKS FOR THE OPPORTUNITY!!!"


                  ((Remember Phantom IS the drill, he did not fire one. Also remember in this form he is the size of a Pick-up truck.))

                  Phantom continued spinning, however the wings suddenly burst open and Phantom fires a burst of dark fire at Alfred. Due to this Phantom goes flying back. "Having strong equipment does not make you a strong warrior, if you do not know how to use it then it is nearly useless!" Said Phantom as the blade-like wings on Phantom's body separates, and fly forward towards Alfred from many different directions.


                    ((I know. I was implying that he threw Phantom))

                    "Hehehe. You couldn't be more right!"

                    Chainsaws then came out from the upper wrist compartment. He blocked the attacks.



                      As Alfred blocked the attacks Phantom called his blade wings back.

                      "You are a fool you know that? All I've been doing is stalling you while the others escape, and don't say that the "others" will take care of them. I already sense another strong presence in this mansion, and it is one of good intent! Once the others meet up with the other presence they will surely escape." Said Phantom as the room begins to grow darker again.

                      Somewhere else in the Mansion

                      As the gang were running through the Mansion an odd orange object comes crashing through a window and right into Ocelot. The object is about the size of a standard modern day IPhone.


                        "Is that so? Well you're the fool, because this is my house, and I've been classified... As a horror Game!!! DIE!!!"

                        He rushed up to Phantom and knocked him down. Then he landed on Phantom and began hacking away at him, laughing maniacally.

                        Meanwhile, I walked on with Aya.

                        "You sure you're not leaving?"

                        "No! I can't just leave everyone!"

                        "... Alright. Just try not to get killed."

                        Aya smiled. "I won't. After all,.I have such good people watching me."

                        If you can call them that... Suddenly, I was hit in the head with some weird phone thing.

                        "Ah! Stupid freaking kids!"

                        I kicked it across the hall.



                          As Alfred started hacking away at Phantom, Phantom started to fade away into the darkness. "You truly are an insane man. Now let's finish this!" Said Phantom as he reappeared in front of Alfred, along with a few clones of Phantom's Armed Phenomenon form. Each clone surrounding Alfred. Suddenly pillars of black flames surround Alfred as the room continues to grow darker.


                          As the small orange object was kicked across the hall, it stopped as it hit a door. As it did it lit up. "Okay who the hell did that!?" Said the small device as it floats up to eye level with Ocelot. Within a moments notice it flies right up into Ocelot's face, it's almost as though it was staring at Ocelot eye-to-eye. "Was it you!?"


                            "You really think you can stop madness?!"

                            Suddenly, dolls began attacking the clones.

                            "Come on! Just you and me! Finish this as you say!"

                            I just looked at it with an expression that said...

                            "I'm getting tired of this sh*t."

                            I lifted my pistol and casually shot it like a fruit.

                            "Real f*cking tired."



                              "No, one can never stop madness... but I could stop what it Manifests!" Said Phantom as suddenly the dolls begin catching fire, slowly the pillars of black flames begin closing in on Alfred.

                              Meanwhile Phantom slowly fades away into the darkness again as the dark flames are too close to Alfred, even with an exoskeleton like the one he has, these black flames would still cause significant harm. Suddenly the Real Phantom appears from directly above Alfred, spinning like a drill from before Phantom uses the flames that are trapping Alfred to fuel his attack. As Phantom spun around the flames started to spiral, creating a vortex of black fire. Finally Phantom drops down, now a large drill covered in intense black flames.

                              Model F gave a little chuckle as the bullets melted as they came close to it. "Really? Is that all you got? I'm a freaking Biometal! Bullets won't stop me!" Said Model F as it flies up a little closer to Ocelot. "The name's Model F, and it seems like you got a bit of fire in ya!"
                              Last edited by NeoFox; 08-22-2013, 08:18 PM.


                                Alfred watched on. But instead of trying to block, he held his arms out, embracing the fact that his battle is done.

                                "Yes... This is how it ends!!!" He watches on with chipped glasses. "THIS IS HOW IT ENDS!!! GYAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!"

                                Then, the attack landed.

                                I looked on. I put the revolver away.

                                "... Ocelot. That's my code name. This is Aya."

                                Aya looked at it in marvel. "Wow... Can I touch it?" She reached out a hand, but I stopped her.

                                "Not unless you're a masochist."

