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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    SPARTAN Augmentation Lab - Sector 4

    "Hmm, nuclear flames? Heat resistant metal? Mass-altering golem fragments?........."

    The scientist turned around and began mumbling various things under his breath, going through his head about how best to fix Raven's arm. All of a sudden, the scientist spun back around and spoke.

    "It can be done. We actually have technology that can easily reproduce what you had just said. the only thing that we might not be able to mimic is the golem fragments, but we have ways to make an incredibly lightwieght arm. That being said, we'll still try to find a way to implement the golem fragments.", The scientist said as he motioned towards the other scientists.

    "You, get Titanium Alloy sample L-52768 ready for laser sculpting. You, get an overclocking Fusion-Plasma Hybrid Reactor and force multiplying circuits. You, prep the nano-material fabricator. We're going to need nano-muscle and adaptive electroconductive materials. You, get me extracting tools. We'll need to remove the golem fragments. You, get me some researching tools. We're going to need to find out how this arm works before we can know how to fix it.", the scientist said as he then turned to Raven.

    "I'm going to put you under soon. We'll try to finish as soon as possible, but we're still going to make sure not to cut corners, ok?"

    Lily stood beside the door, just in case anyone tried to break in and attack during the procedure.

    Sector 3

    "Who are you people? Why does John's file mean that much to you?", Six asked the fake John and Xehanort.

    Six continued to keep his attention on the Dark Spartan, just in case he tried anything.
    Last edited by S121; 08-30-2013, 03:31 AM.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      SPARTAN Augmentation Lab-Sector 4

      Raven looked at the scientist and nodded his head. "Alright. Sounds good... though I do wish the Ponggo's mechanic was here he would have my arm up and running in no time... wait a second... I remember having something in case my arm got damaged." Said Raven as he sat up. "I remember that I was given a set of blueprints for my arm that was given to me by the Ponggo's mechanic. It's in my locker though. If you want to know how it works then you will need it." Said Raven as he turns to Lily.

      "Lily do you think you can go to my locker and get the blueprints for me?"

      ((Ponggo's are a race of Bipedal Moles that live IN the island of Altera, a mysterious floating island.))


        SPARTAN Augmentation Lab-Sector 4

        "Where is it?", Lily asked as she got ready to set a waypoint on her helmet's HUD.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          SPARTAN Augmentation Lab-Sector 4

          "My locker is located here in Sector 4. Down the hall from here and take two rights and one left. It's in the locker room for the personnel here. It's Locker 472" Said Raven as he tosses the card key to his locker to Lily.


            Sector 3

            "Easy, It's a catalyst for what will soon happen. It's impossible to stop us in our plans whatever you do at this point we'll win. As for who we are, we are a group of incomplete people wishing to be whole. Why do you deny us that right. The right to be something. We were trowed out by both darkness and light. We simply do what we have to do in order to be whole."
            Born in the light.
            Molded in the dark

            Never Forget,
            Keep Fighting.
            –Don't Forget.
            Always, somewhere,
            someone is fighting for you.
            –As long as you remember her,
            you are not alone.


              SPARTAN Augmentation Lab-Sector 4

              Lily quickly caught the card and sprinted out the door.

              In the meantime, the scientist began to prep the anesthetic for the procedure.

              "If you have any questions, now would be the time to ask.", the scientist said as he opened up the Spartan-III Augmentation Station and loaded the anesthetic into the drug administration banks.

              When the time came, the station would send a needle into Raven's arm and would track his biological readings as the procedure was being performed.

              Sector 3

              Six was still on guard, ready for confrontation.

              "if you're so sure that you'll win, then why do you give me indirect answers? Give me a straight answer about why you need John's documents.", Six said to Xehanort.
              Last edited by S121; 08-30-2013, 03:40 AM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                SPARTAN Augmentation Lab-Sector 4

                "No, no questions. I just hope you will have me back up and running after all this is over." Said Raven as he relaxed his body, ready for the procedure.


                  SPARTAN Augmentation Lab-Sector 4

                  "Very well.", The scientist said as Lily ran back into the room.

                  "I got it.", Lily said as she handed the blueprint to the scientist.

                  The scientist began to look it over and nodded.

                  "Yes, we'll be able to get you working in no time. This makes things much easier. Are you ready?", The scientist asked Raven.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    SPARTAN Augmentation Lab-Sector 4

                    Raven looked at the scientist as he gives him a quick thumbs up before laying back down again.


                      Sector 3

                      "Simple. To get the Key. If you don't know what The Key is then don't complain. The Key is The Key."
                      Born in the light.
                      Molded in the dark

                      Never Forget,
                      Keep Fighting.
                      –Don't Forget.
                      Always, somewhere,
                      someone is fighting for you.
                      –As long as you remember her,
                      you are not alone.


                        Sector 3

                        Six was confused by Xehanort's answer. Was he talking about something from his universe?

                        "And what does this 'Key' unlock?", Six asked.

                        SPARTAN Augmentation Lab-Sector 4

                        The scientist turned on the Spartan-III Augmentation Station and watched as the needles pierced Raven's arm and injected the anesthetic into him.

                        "Now we can begin.", the scientist said as the anesthetic began to take effect.

                        "Good luck, Raven.", Lily said to Raven as Raven began to feel sleepy.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Sector 3

                          "If I may ask, what you want from John´s files, the catalist, is to become whole, right? what will you do when you become fully real instead of copies of other people?" Shepard asked to Xehanort

                          The commander took a step forward calmly and said "Also, to become whole, why using violence? isn´t there a diplomatic way to deal with this without hurting anyone?"
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Sector 3

                            "I'm sure you know what a clash is right? To progress along the way of becoming whole again we have to clash. As for what The Key unlocks. It unlocks everything. There isn't anything that it can't unlock."
                            Born in the light.
                            Molded in the dark

                            Never Forget,
                            Keep Fighting.
                            –Don't Forget.
                            Always, somewhere,
                            someone is fighting for you.
                            –As long as you remember her,
                            you are not alone.


                              Sector 3

                              The commander pondered about it "So to unlock everything, there mus be a clash, right?"
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Sector 3

                                "So that's what this is about? A skeleton key? You have killed my fellow Spartans over a universal skeleton key?", Six asked an slight confusion and anger.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

