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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    London, Lone hill-Open field

    Chung looked at Robin, first angry then slightly confused.
    "Uh... I'm sorry... what did you say?" Replied Chung as he looks over his shoulder in the direction of Prometheus Labs before turning back to Robin.

    Chung let out a small sigh as he sat down on the ground, laying his Destroyer on the grass next to him. "You okay? You look like you went through something pretty rough. Mind telling a random stranger what's on your mind?" Said Chung, the tone in his voice had changed from confused, to slightly cheery. There was something important happening at the labs, but there was someone here who didn't look to well. Chung's good will had decided to kick in and try and help this person.


      London, Lone hill-Open field

      Robin was staring up to the clouds above. His vision didn't focus on anything save for what lingered of the memories that slowly filtered past his mind's eye.
      "...Are you ok? Hello?"

      Chung's hand broke the trance that held Robin's mind captive. He snapped back to reality.
      "Huh?! Wha-?" Robin started slightly as he realized that someone was there.

      "Huh, you finally came to. I was starting to wonder...So, what's your name?"

      "My name?" Robin hesitated, memories still settling like dust disturbed by a light wind that died. "...Robin, is Robin."


        The Consumer

        "I wonder what this button does..." Daiyousei was inside the cockpit, marvelling over the various doodads of the command center. A small red button that was labeled "Throttle" caught Daiyousei. It is quite unfortunate that the "Throttle" was written in German, and that Daiyousei cannot read German.

        Daiyousei pressed the button, and the ship began to move.

        "You will meet the most heinous General of the current 81 generals." Dominus explained. "She is as ruthless as Vladimir, as crafty as Gunther, and as potent as the deadliest poison on earth."

        "Weakness?" The Devourer faked confusion, silencing the elbow shot with his palm and thrusting the other arm to Nera's chins. "What is weakness? I am not a mortal like you. I have no flaws."

        "Glutoneriel..." Valenciel began as she eased Yuuka's struggle. Yuuka fell silent, her eyes closed, her breath steadying. "is an offspring of an angel and a demon. Despite the law strictly forbidding angels from interacting with impure species, the angel, unable to resist her own compassion, escaped with a demon that was captured for scientific experiments."

        "After the angel was caught, she and Glutoneriel was brought back to the Heavens for judgment. The demon that was the father of Glutoneriel, and the angel who was the mother of Glutoneriel... both were executed. However, the judge gave Glutoneriel a chance. To prove that he can be free from the filth of his father."

        "But temptations came. Other angels shunned him from their society, because of his half-blood hybridness. He had wings where the feathers were black. His halo was red. Very noticable demonic qualities, the angels observed."

        "Glutoneriel... is also my blood-brother." Valenciel continued. "I, along with Feediel, was the only angel to offer hand to Glutoneriel. We formed a little circle of 'weirdos' who hung out separately from the rest of the angels."

        "...until the Fledging Day came."

        "During the Fledging Day, the angels-in-training gains their ability and honor as a regular member of the Heavens by drinking from the Holy Grail. When Glutoneriel approached the Grail, the Grail... rejected him."

        "The same judge who gave Glutoneriel a chance excommunicated him from the Heavens. Until he was approached with a realization of his hidden ability, he had to starve, staggering outside the castle walls."

        "I'm not saying that Glutoneriel's rampage should be justified. I just regret that I wasn't there earlier to turn him back."


          The ship... I didn't start it yet!

          "Otori, go check what's going on! You too, miss!"

          Both Otori and Shikieiki headed to the cockpit. I'm still trying to figure this out.

          Once we reached the cockpit, I saw Daiyouei pressing a red button. I don't know whether to be relieved or worried.

          "Daiyousei, you really shouldn't press things. Who knows whats happening."

          *yawn* Jeez, it's boring watching a battle that won't end with a twist. Well then... I guess it's time to go for a walk.

          I dropped down from the roof outside of the room. I began walking. Then, I decided to sing. Let's sing... a little memento from our 'dear father.'

          I opened my mouth. Then, the voice of multiple angels flowed through my lips.

          I reached out my hand. A transparent bird flew towards me. But then, as it landed on my finger, it's feathers and skin began shedding off. There was nothing left but the skeleton. It's eyes turned a bright red. I just made a hell bird. I let it fly off to hell.


            The Consumer

            John thought about was was said. In a way, this 'Fledgling Day' was very similar to the day John obtained his Spartan-II Augmentations. There were many that either didn't survive, or had their bodies reject the procedure and became crippled. It was a fate John was glad he was spared from, and felt sadness for those that didn't survive or were crippled. John felt a small amount of pity for Glutoneriel, but that still didn't give him the right to cause all this damage. If a Spartan went rogue, there was only one option, death. This was no different. It was a harsh decision, but there was little chance that Glutoneriel was going to give up. He seemed to be too prideful to surrender or give up.

            "How do we stop him? If we don't stop him now, then all is lost for us.", John said to Valenciel.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              The consumer

              Nera let the punch hit her jaw, but using the force to make an upward kick to the devourer´s chin too "The closer you are to perfection, the more powerful the flaw shall be" she said resisting the jaw pain

              Domino´s room

              Renamon thought about it and then said "I´ll face her, but first I want you to promise me that Ran will not be harmed at all"
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                ((Remember that when I made this post on Page 920 Wriggle said that I could just do a very small timeskip to after X and Zero defeated Kirkland. Also I hope that Wriggle sees this.))
                Battle of Gensokyo

                X and Axl had finally defeated Kirkland after a long battle, both of them were heavily damaged but they continued on to the Consumer. "Now what?..." Asked Axl as he looked up at the large ship. X simply sighed as he turned to Axl. "I don't know... I just... don't know..." Replied a confused and tired X.


                Zero stood there watching Nera take on the Devourer. "This is bullsh*t, I'm going in to back the Jackal up!" Said Zero as he unsheathed his Z-Saber and readied his Z-Buster. As he charged towards the Devourer he fired a few shots from his Z-Buster at the Devourer, followed by a crescent wave of energy from his Z-Saber.
                Last edited by NeoFox; 08-28-2013, 09:11 PM.


                  London, Lone Hill-Open Field

                  Chung looked at Robin and held out his hand for a polite handshake. "Well hello Robin, my name is Chung. Sorry about tripping over you. I didn't really see you there, and I am in a bit of a hurry." He said as he looks over his shoulder at the direction of Prometheus Labs once more before turning back to Robin. "So before I head off I want to know if you're okay. Do you need anything?"


                    London, Lone Hill-Open Field

                    Robin closed his eyes. In his mind he mused over his situation. Options unknown and everything unfamiliar.
                    "I'll be fine, I did I get here? Or better yet: Where in the world is here?"


                      London, Lone hill-Open field

                      Chung rubs the back of his head as he looks at Robin. "Well... how can I say this kindly..." Said Chung as he sighs. "I am not really familiar with this world either. I haven't been here that long. From my knowledge we are what's in... "the real world" if that makes any sense."


                        London: Lone Hill-Open field

                        "...the Real World?" Robin analyzed the information in his mind. "Hmm...could this be one of the worlds accessible through the Outrealm Gate?" Now he had to reorient his thoughts. "Your not of this world either then?" Robin watched Chung's reaction closely.
                        Last edited by Cucoo5; 08-29-2013, 03:47 PM. Reason: deleted the offending portion


                          London-Lone Hill, Open field

                          Chung sighed as he held the Destroyer close to him. "Nope, I'm from the world of Elrios from the game Elsword, and yes I did just say that I am from a game." Said Chung as he stood up. He held the Destroyer over his shoulder.


                            London-Lone Hill, Open field

                            "Huh, a game you say?"
                            Robin mulled the information over in his mind. "Could this be another world connected to the Outrealm then...?"
                            He then adjusted himself, confidence of what was happening slowly taking hold. "Ok then, one last question: do you know of a place called the Outrealm?"
                            As Robin asked this, he toyed with another question: "How could the Outrealm drag me into another world unwillingly? Grima...could he have known of it and somehow sent me here? No...He wouldn't do that, he would sooner have me dead than let me live...There has to be another explanation."


                              London-Lone Hill, Open field

                              Chung looked at Robin slightly confused by his question. "Out... realm?" Replied Chung. "Sorry, but I don't know what this Outrealm is."


                                Prometheus lab

                                Somewhere else in Prometheus lab dark clouds begin appearing from the sky. For anyone outside it would look like someone was shooting something at the base, although it didn't look like anythings was being destroyed. After 11 dark clouds had appeared it all went silent for a while. Inside however the rest of the organization had appeared and they weren't greeted lightly. This didn't pose any problem at all tough.

                                The next second a big explosion appeared. On the inside it annihilated everything not protected by the organization. On the outside it looked like a giant Nobody symbol at least 100 meters tall appeared in fire appeared above the lab as a byproduct of the explosion. When the smoke faded away everyone watching saw something really peculier. The whole building was reshaped as a giant nobody symbol. The whole building was standing vertical. This didn't affect the inside at all tough. On the inside gravity still functioned just fine and all the pathways was still the same.
                                Last edited by Katrix; 08-30-2013, 03:32 AM.
                                Born in the light.
                                Molded in the dark

                                Never Forget,
                                Keep Fighting.
                                –Don't Forget.
                                Always, somewhere,
                                someone is fighting for you.
                                –As long as you remember her,
                                you are not alone.

