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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Medical Ward

    "True... you do have a point... though you do have to think for someone like Chung who has only been here for a month or two is probably still not used to this world and other characters yet." Said Raven as he sighs. "He may be strong, skilled, and smart but he is still very young." Said Raven as he begins walking. "I'm sorry that I am leaving so soon Chung, especially after it's been so long since we seen each other, it's just I have more important matters to attend to... Lily if you need me I'll be in the Locker Room." Said Raven as he leaves the Medical Ward.

    Chung simply watched on, almost saddened that Raven is leaving so soon. "What's up with him? I mean yea he had gone through a hell of a lot, but I've never seen him like this." Said Chung as he thought about going after Raven, but he is simply too tired. The battle had exhausted him completely. He then turns to Lily, his face bright red. "Hey uh... ma'am... do you think you could uh... help me with something?" He said with a nervous tone to his voice.


      Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

      Lily was a little worried for Raven. He had gone through a lot, but it seemed as if he was being too hard on himself, as if he was at fault for everything that had happened to this point.

      Lily thought Chung was nervous because of her size. It was unsettling to have a 6'2'' Spartan towering over someone, but that was usually the case for Lily and all the other Spartans. In order to remedy the situation, Lily put her hands on her knees and tried to appear less intimidating by smiling.

      "Hm? What is it?", Lily asked Chung in a friendly tone.
      Last edited by S121; 09-18-2013, 11:06 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Medical Ward

        "Do you think you could uh... well this is kind of awkward to ask... but... do you think you can help me take my armor off? I need to repair it, and my Disfrozen Portal..." Said Chung, his face was still red and he was still feeling kind of nervous. He wasn't intimidated by her size, but rather... he's just nervous around women.


          Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

          Once Lily understood that his fear was actually embarrassment, she felt like laughing. Thankfully, her Spartan training allowed her to keep control, allowing her to completely suppress any feelings of laughter.

          "Okay.", Lily said in a calm tone as she looked at the armor.

          It looked to be some sort of medieval armor, but at the same time, seemed as if it was power armor. Perhaps it was a fusion of both.

          Lily continued to look at the armor, trying to figure out how to help remove it.

          "How do you.. remove it? Does it have screws, or do you use latches and straps to keep the armor on?", Lily asked Chung.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Medical Ward

            "There's a main series of locks in the back that keeps the main central system of the armor on. Just turn them and then I can then take off the chest plate. Once I take that off the rest of it will simply come off as well." He said still slightly nervous.

            "Oh random question again... what is your... relationship with Raven? Also do you think you could tell me why he is acting so differently?"


              Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

              Lily found the locks and turned them one by one.

              "Oh random question again... what is your... relationship with Raven? Also do you think you could tell me why he is acting so differently?", Chung asked Lily.

              Chung's question caught Lily slightly off guard, but she didn't let it show.

              (What is he implying?), Lily thought as she began to answer Chung's question.

              "Well, I'm a friend of Raven's. It's recent, like a couple hours ago. I think Raven is acting strangely because of his arm. He damaged it while helping to protect the facility, so our scientists repaired it and added modifications, but he passed out from the arm and said that it's trying to control him. It's almost as if he thinks it was all his fault, and is being too hard on himself.", Lily said to Chung in a concerned tone.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Medical Ward

                As Lily turned all the locks on Chung's back it let out a burst of what appeared to be steam, however the steam wasn't hot or anything... in fact it felt... cold, and almost uplifting. It's as though the steam was filled with some sort of energy. As the steam hit Lily she would start to feel... more energetic.

                "Oh... well I was just asking. As long as I've known Raven he never really did have a good time warming up to others. In fact even though he was with me, and the others in the El Search Party it still took a while for him to fully open up to us. However it seems as though he had already befriended you." Said Chung as he places his hands on his chestplate. As he did he pulled off his chest plate, and the main part of his suit underneath the shoulder pads, leg guards, and arm guards retracted into the chestplate which has a cracked blue orb in the center. Underneath all his armor Chung was only wearing a sleeveless white T-Shirt, and a pair of light blue boxers with white dots patterned on it. He wasn't even wearing any shoes or socks.

                After he removed the chestplate, and his suit he took off the rest of his armor.
                "Raven's arm trying to control him? That's Nasod Technology for you. Have a piece of Nasod Technology attached to your body and you are susceptible to it controlling you." He said as he picked up his armor. "Raven's arm has caused him a lot of grief. From what I heard he was given that arm without his consent. He was left to die by his kingdom who also kinda killed his fiancee and friends... then the Nasod's saved him by giving him a Nasod Arm. It's kind of like a gift, and a curse." He said as he looked at Lily. "Do you think you can get my Destroyer for me? Be careful though it's a powerful weapon, and it's quite heavy. It took years for me to gather the strength just to lift the damn thing."


                  Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

                  Lily felt a surge of energy, but ignored it. She would ask questions in a moment anyway.

                  Lily listened to Chung, then spoke.

                  "He already told me. He seems to be having a hard time with his past. It can't really be good for him to keep beating himself up over it.", Lily said in a concerned tone as she easily lifted the Destroyer up with one hand, as if it was weightless.

                  She then brought it over to Chung.

                  "Is it okay if I ask a question now?", Lily asked Chung.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Medical Ward

                    Chung walked over to one of the cots and placed his armor down. He then turned to Lily and raised an eyebrow. "Sure, go ahead. What do you need to know?"


                      Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

                      "Well, you kept talking about a 'Disfrozen Portal', and there was a sort of energy spike when your armor opened. What exactly is a Disfrozen Portal, and was it related to the energy spike?", Lily asked Chung in a curious tone.

                      She then handed the Destroyer to Chung with her arm outstretched, curious about the gun as well.

                      "Also, what kind of weapon is this?"
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Medical Ward

                        "Oh yea the Disfrozen Portal..." Said Chung as he picked up his chestplate and showed it to Lily. "See this blue crystal in the center? This is part of the Disfrozen Portal. The Disfrozen Portal is an engine that my father started to work on. However after he was possessed by Demons during the invasion of my home kingdom Hamel he ended up almost nearly killing me, and I barely escaped. Eventually I found his documents for it, and as such I decided to carry on my father's legacy by creating it." He said as he placed his hand on the blue orb like crystal in the center. "The Disfrozen Portal is a special engine that can produce an indefinite amount of El Energy. El Energy is a natural energy where I come from. It's like the planet's very own energy source. After an incident where the El Stone was stolen and shattered everything went into chaos. Demons started attacking, and the only places where one was able to breathe was where there was a shard of the El Stone. El Energy is a very powerful energy source, and my Disfrozen Portal can produce an indefinite amount of it. However there is only one in existence, and you are looking at it. So in short yes that energy spike was from the Disfrozen Portal." He said as he placed it back down on the cot.

                        He then picked up his Destroyer as he took out a small cloth and started rubbing some dirt off it. "This right here? This is my most cherished weapon... it's called the Destroyer and it's a powerful cannon. It does not require ammunition. It's very powerful, and very heavy. It's been with me for as long as I can remember. It's very powerful, it can fire blasts of pure energy and even small missiles." He said as he stopped polishing it. "It may not require ammunition, but I do have to "reload" it after I fire a certain amount. All I have to do to reload it is pull a lever near the handle." He said as he lays the Destroyer on the ground next to him. "Whenever I activate my Berserk Mode though I don't even have to reload."


                          Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

                          Lily was surprised by the Disfrozen Portal's capabilities and spoke again.

                          "Wow. You might want to tell one of the scientists here about it. I know they were looking into a way to create free, clean energy. I think they were also trying to find a way to create teleporters, but they couldn't create enough power. So far, we only have Fusion-Plasma Hybrid Reactors, but they wouldn't be as effective as your power source.", Lily said.

                          "Anyways, I suppose the 'Berserk Mode' is like your suit's overclock function, right?", Lily asked Chung.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Medical Ward

                            "Yea, the one named Six told me to tell one of the scientists here. I won't do that though until I can find the tools to repair it." He said as he was feeling pretty happy. He never really met anyone that actually wanted to use the Disfrozen Portal's capabilities for good, only people who wanted to use it for evil.

                            "If by Overclock you mean my armor activating the Disfrozen Portal to give me a hyper mode where my physical strength, magical strength, and my Destroyer's power to increase tenfold, but at the cost of becoming a bit more sadistic in battle then yes. Yes that is what I mean. The Berserk Mode increases my strength greatly, but while I'm in Berserk Mode it's like I gain a slight blood lust. I end up fighting more fiercely in that state. Almost without even thinking. It's like pure adrenaline coursing through my body as I maintain the form. As such I end up fighting without thinking. Though due to the increase in power my friends say that I don't really need to. Luckily the state only lasts for a few minutes before wearing out."


                              Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

                              Lily thought about the Berserk Mode and spoke again.

                              "Well, adrenaline tends to do that to you. For us Spartans, we have something similar. It's called 'Spartan Time'. When it happens, everything slows down more than usual. We're able to see, plan, and react to any given situation in slow and fast-motion. It's even stronger when we get an adrenaline rush. Depending on the Spartan, we could react 15 to 75 times faster than the average human. It's a strange sensation. The only way I can describe it is that you feel incredibly focused on whatever you're doing, yet have complete awareness of your surroundings. Your mind feels like it's overloading, yet you keep complete control. Everything goes by so slowly, that you can see bullets traveling slowly through the air. We can usually slow down our perception of time at will, but Spartan Time sends it to the maximum possible reaction time. I heard that there are some Spartans that can even activate it at will, given enough training. For me, it's only about 15 times the reaction time of the average human.", Lily explained to Chung.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Medical Ward

                                "Wow... that's... so..." Said Chung as he begins to stumble while standing up. It was obvious that he was tired. There were dark circles under his eyes. As he tried to keep listening he let out a loud yawn as he slowly fell forward.

                                Chung was tired, he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep lately, and yet he still managed to keep fighting. Despite his training Chung was still young, and his body couldn't keep up with the lack of sleep. His body finally gave out on him as he fell forward toward's Lily. Chung had fallen asleep right there.

