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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Okay, and I'm back yet again! I've just been anywhere but the house for today. But you know, 4th o july and what not.


      geez, masterchief can be easily offended XD
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Well, he wasn't too offended, just surprised that somebody told him to run away. He took it as her not knowing about his abilities.

        To really offend and piss him off, you would have to insult Cortana and those that died in his universe (Spartan-IIs, Avery Johnson, etc.)
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Which the announcer (somewhat) did.


            I edited my post. John is asking the Higher Power a question.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              F*ck it. I'm done. Not a single post for me all day. I feel the love...

              Anyways, I'm going out. God forbid you read this post.

              {I'm sorry, it's been quite a long day for him. His tv is incompatible with HDMI, so his PS3 is useless, he was the awkward man in a party, and he was stuck in traffic for 2 whole hours. He should be fine by tomorow... I hope...}


                Nighty night.

                Hopefully you feel better tomorrow, and maybe we can get more posts running.

                If not, then you always have other characters to use.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Hey, at least there was one reply to me all day. Just ghosting it all day. I even had some questions to some people and this.

                  But oh well. Night ya'll.



                    John still has the emerald. Samus has a red one.

                    John took Sonic's emerald, so that Samus couldn't get it.

                    There's two emeralds.

                    He'll give it back.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Oh. Well I will have to do some editing then ^^;


                        well then.. time to sleep, goodnight ^^
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Nighty night.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            I was just thinking of giving John some practice with the announcer. In a special armor of course. Nothing to special.
                            Born in the light.
                            Molded in the dark

                            Never Forget,
                            Keep Fighting.
                            –Don't Forget.
                            Always, somewhere,
                            someone is fighting for you.
                            –As long as you remember her,
                            you are not alone.


                              GooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning ppls. Hopefully I don't get third wheeled today as well. Today actually started off good. I found out that even though I can't see the menu screen, I CAN see the game. I just had to press X when a game was inserted.

                              @ Katrix
                              I'm down. Just don't, ya know, kill 'im.


                                Apps for Sonic (Tails and Eggman coming soon. Info is taken from the Sonic Wiki.)

                                NPC Character of Choice: Sonic the Hedgehog

                                Game of Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog

                                Power: Sonic is known best for his speed, with the ability to run at speeds greater than Mach 1, which is at the blistering speed of 768 miles per hour. This is evident in many games, where Sonic is recorded to run at speeds faster than 765 mph. In Sonic Unleashed, the checkpoint posts (Star Posts) also act as radars that clock Sonic's speed when he passes them. Due to the fact that his speed increases the longer he's boosting, it's possible for the checkpoint posts to show Sonic's max speed in-game, being able to clock him going at over 2,500 mph. It is also stated in the Sonic Adventure DX manual that "He's the world's fastest, hypersonic hedgehog" which is at a staggering speed ranging from 3,840 mph to 7,680 mph. He is occasionally referred to as "the fastest thing alive," and can run backwards at full speed just as well as forwards, as shown in the Team Sonic opening cut-scene of Sonic Heroes. Due to such speed, he is able to scale right up the walls of buildings, or similar structures, and can also run right over water.

                                It is unknown how much faster Sonic can run beyond Mach 1, although it is variously assumed that he can. In Sonic Battle, it is stated that he can move several times the speed of sound and in Emerl's story, Sonic takes on and defeats the Gizoid in under 30 seconds, before the Final Egg Blaster fires in that time. It is also believed that Sonic can move faster while in spinball form than running, possibly even reaching the speed of light due to the various proofs, such as in Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes, where he could use the Light Speed Attack which, stated by Tikal, attacks enemies at light speed. He can likewise achieve light speed movements with his Light Speed Dash.

                                His speed does not seem to have certain weaknesses in that recklessness (the possibility of crashing into unintended targets) and "straight-line only" concepts are invoked, which implies that Sonic relies on his animal instincts to control the line of his running paths, and he may as well have already adjusted to controlling himself at such a speed in constant moments. Sonic is also shown to be able to run in full tight circles, thus is not exposed to the weakness of only being able to run fast in straight lines. Should he be running at fast uncontrollable speeds, he can use the Sonic Drift to properly control his momentum, and even crash into foes with it.

                                In line with his speed, Sonic has displayed amazing feats of movement and has the reaction time to match. He possesses great acrobatic skills and agility, alongside astonishing reflexes, making him able to avoid large and small obstacles with precise jumps and delicate movements, such as his Quick Step, despite the speed they are approaching at. When launched into the air, he can perform several tricks before finally landing on ground. He has also shown on several occasions that he can jump incredibly long distances, up to several hundred meters, possibly by applying speed to his jumps.

                                In terms of physical strength prowess, Sonic has often been noted for lacking overall physical strength in comparison to other characters in the series. However, it is possible that Sonic might actually possess a degree of superhuman strength (though nothing in comparison to Knuckles' strength). Sonic's Spin Dash and other spin forms are strong enough to cut through enemies (though not all shields), burrow through the ground, smash through surfaces by stomping, or break down walls. However, it is debatable whether the attack's main power comes from his supersonic speed or his superhuman strength, or a combination of both. A lot of moves that Sonic performs in fighting games involve his feet and legs more than his hands, which suggests that Sonic's legs are more powerful than his arms. This does not mean that Sonic's arms are not powerful as well, as he has been shown being able to tear parts from robots' bodies with brute force alone.

                                Several times, Sonic has been shown to have great resilience to physical damage. He can survive getting caught in the crossfire from all angles by Eggman's robots (which only knocked him out cold briefly), and he can smash through several robots in a row with his fist without showing any sign of pain or injury. It is also worth noting that, for nearly all the battles Sonic has endured, he has never been crippled, nor has he displayed any serious injuries. It is also shown in various games that Sonic can survive free-falls from extreme heights, bordering at the edge of space. In Sonic Adventure, he fell face-first from a high point in the atmosphere twice, merely shaking it off after landing, and additionally in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic Unleashed (as the Werehog), Sonic is able to survive atmospheric reentry unharmed.

                                Sonic also possesses an indomitable force of will; even in situations where most others would give up and resign themselves to defeat or imprisonment, and in situations where he is severely outnumbered and outgunned, he always forges on, never loses faith in himself and never quits or submits. This character trait is most noticeable in Sonic Unleashed, wherein, thanks to his will, he is one of the few people on the planet who is immune to the influence of Dark Gaia. This is also shown in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, where the Voxai Overmind attempts to use mind control on Sonic, and he resists when all other characters fail to do so, though he possessed some protection against it by having a Chaos Emerald filled with the Overmind's power. It appears once more in Sonic and the Black Knight, where he continues to fight Merlina despite having Caliburn broken in half and beaten to the point where he could barely stand. The only time his will didn't work was in Sonic Rivals 2, when he was possessed by the Ifrit in Tails' story scenario. It is safe to assume that if he does get possessed, he does all he can to regain control.

                                Sonic has also demonstrated the ability to harness the power of the Chaos Emerald for his own use. With a Chaos Emerald, Sonic can perform Chaos Powers, such as Chaos Control which lets him warp time and space, and occasionally gain a boost in power.

                                It is safe to say that Sonic is far stronger, faster, and more skillful than he lets on. Only in truly bleak situations does he reveal his true power - his fight with Ultimate Emerl, who had the abilities of every character, all seven Chaos Emeralds and the power of the Final Egg Blaster (therefore being superior to him in almost every way possible), is a prime example of this, as Sonic was able to defeat him. Sonic may be able to defeat practically any enemy if he was to fight seriously from the beginning. It would appear that his cockiness, overconfidence and reluctance to fight at full power stop him from truly being considered the most powerful character in the series. Also, Sonic is often reluctant to use his Chaos Powers, and relies on his speed more.

                                Weapons: None.

                                Weaknesses: Sonic is incapable of swimming, which causes him to sink like a stone in water, probably mainly due to his great body weight for his size and narrow limbs or possibly due to his presumed aquaphobia (or he just does not know how to swim). Although, if hitting the water while running, he can dash across the water's surface, completely bypassing the hazard

                                There is also reason to believe Sonic reacts terribly to being held captive and may find it mentally and perhaps even physically painful. He seems to act absurd if he doesn't run for a long time, which might mean that he is very much addicted to running, and gets frustrated when something is slow

                                Appearance: He stands at you guessed it. 3ft 3

                                Personality: Sonic has been described as being "like the wind"; a drifter that is always on the move and is noted for being free-spirited and adventurous. He values freedom above all else, living his life according to his own rules, rather than the standards of those around him, and enjoys nothing more than traveling across the endless boundaries of the world while searching for new adventure. With a strong passion for enjoying life, Sonic is never dwelling in one place for too long and is always moving forward to look for new experiences, making his life a series of adventures and events, while enjoying his freedom.

                                He mainly prefers to simply be called by his name and not any fancy title; in his encounters with Princess Elise and Cream the Rabbit (both called him "Mr. Sonic"), Shahra, the Genie of the Ring (who called him "Master"), Caliburn (who called him "Knave", though Sonic was especially annoyed by this), and Erazor Djinn (who kept calling him "Filthy rat", though it might just be an insult), he insisted that they merely call him "Sonic".

                                Sonic is mostly laid-back, cool and enjoys relaxation, though he is often impatient with slower things, and firmly stands for freedom, but he is never one to rest in the face of injustice or oppression. He hates evil in all its forms and can easily be riled up about it; if he witnesses someone being opressed, are suffering from injustice or are simply depressed or despairs due to others' actions he will not show a moment of hesitation and will instantly step in to help those in need, even if it means that his actions will be met with contempt, as stated in Sonic and the Black Knight.

                                Sonic is extremely benevolent though he has been described as quick-tempered occasionally. Despite this, he always remains loyal to his friends, always keeps his word and he willingly puts himself at risk to help others, taking on any challenge that confronts him without hesitation, though he usually sees his heroics and fighting evil as an opportunity to have fun, making him somewhat of a thrill-seeker. However, in times of crisis, he focuses intensely on the task at hand and sees it as truly serious with no real fun involved, as if his personality had undergone an astonishing change. Despite this, Sonic's cocky, upbeat demeanor will remain unchanged, being foregone in only the most dire of situations. Sonic is shown to have a remarkable capacity to forgive, as seen
                                in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), when he quickly forgave Silver and accepted his help in saving Elise in their third encounter, despite that Silver tried to kill him, twice.

                                Following his free-spirited, adventurous and speedy nature, Sonic never dwells on the past, or whatever sad or hurtful things that has occurred on his adventures for too long and always takes them in stride, never allowing them to weight him down. Such instances is when Emerl died, the disappearance of Shadow or when he had to say goodbye to Chip; each time Sonic merely remains calm while paying his respects and response with a positive attitude afterwards. Instead, he choses to live in the present and always looks forward to his next adventure, while holding no regrets for whatever has transpired.
                                Sonic is shown to be extremly loyal to his friends. Though he sometimes teases or messes with them, finds them annoying, or seems absent when they are talking to him, Sonic cares generously for each of his friends and is always willing to help or support them if needed, even without a reason. If any of his friends seem to be in danger, Sonic will put them above all else and see to their safety before doing anything else. Equally, Sonic is always willing to accept help from his friends, if offered, and will show great trust in them. Sonic is, however, not above making assumptions about his friends, such as when he thought that Knuckles would betray them before their final battle with Pir'Oth Ix, and he can sometimes leave them hanging or even endanger them due to his fast-paced nature, such as when he blew Amy into the air with his Blue Star II when he tried stop Eggman. Despite taking risks with his friends, however, Sonic always take them into account and never has any intention of making any of them unhappy. Despite his devotion to his friends, however, Sonic appears to be an introvert; after spending time with his friends, he seeks some alone time and relaxation, but will always back to his friends sooner or later.

                                As shown several times, Sonic is very confident in himself and has a big attitude with a just as large ego to match it, making him sassy, cocky and quick-witted. He often jokes around to light the mood of a situation, but will also glady take any opportunity to tease and mock his opponents in battle and takes many of the lesser situations and opponents he faces lighthearted. This trait is most prominent in Sonic Colors where Sonic remains cool and laid-back, not behaving seriously in any of the scenes. He is usually seen around cracking up jokes and talking to himself. Sonic shows a lot of sarcastic attitude through his gestures but then enjoys any challenge that passes him. He likes to talk to robots (the boss-fights in the games) usually teasing them and even acting like a waiter to one of the robots even though he knows that they can't talk. Talking to robots is something that has not been shown in any game and he can even talk to them if they are completely broken. He was also embarrassed when Tails found out that he talks to broken robots that "can't actually hear him".

                                Sonic is not generally modest when it comes to his abilities and is regarded as being very proud and a showoff. On the other hand, he can also be quite the gentleman and he has been known to show some form of modesty when taking compliments. This is shown in Sonic and the Secret Rings where Sonic prefers not to be called "Master", and where he is referred to as the "Legendary Hedgehog" ("Me? Legendary? You've gotta be kidding! You're gonna make me blush!").

                                Sonic's taunts and confidence easily portray that he is smug. He is also very stubborn, as shown in the end of Team Sonic's story in Sonic Heroes. After narrowly escaping Eggman's exploding ship, Knuckles exclaims, "Boy, talk about cutting close!" to which Sonic replies, "Not really..." this implies Sonic is too stubborn to admit a task is difficult for him, but after being teased by Knuckles, Sonic admits he needed Knuckles' and Tails' help, to Knuckles' obvious great surprise. In contrast however, Sonic can sometimes be overconfident in his abilities; for example, when Merlina stops him from attacking the Black Knight, he is irked and asked why she did so, positive that he could have defeated him.

                                Sonic is also known for indomitable will (which no doubt goes hand in hand with stubbornness), his absolute confidence, never-waving faith in himself and his will to keep on fighting surpasses his actual ability to keep on fighting. An example of this can be seen in Sonic and the Black Knight, where Sonic continues to try to fight Merlina despite being unable to reach her through her force field shield, being hit repeated times so he is badly hurt and exhausted, and having his sword broken as he attempted to parry Merlina's attack. Sonic's friends plead him to give up, but he refuses ("It was never about chivalry for me. I've just gotta do what I gotta do, that's all...").

                                A very noticeable trait of Sonic is for his fondness for the beauty of nature. Ever since the first Sonic game in 1991, Sonic has been shown to be a protector of nature. In several games like Sonic Rush Adventure, Sonic 06, Sonic Colors shows Sonic appreciating scenic views. His love for nature is defined in Sonic Colors where Sonic appreciated Dr. Eggman for making Tropical Resort a beautiful view, and when Sonic reached Planet Wisp when Sonic showed an emotion of anger and rage when he found out that Eggman was polluting the planet which was filled with beautiful plants, this also marks the only time in which Sonic was shown serious and angry in Sonic Colors. His anger for Planet Wisp being polluted was put further when he said, "That's pretty low, even for a sleazeball like Eggman!" meaning that he thinks that Eggman polluting a scenic planet is even more evil than Eggman himself. In Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), Sonic is shown to have a fondness for locations that are filled with flowers, trees and other kinds of plants.

                                Sonic Unleashed's booklet states that his personality is "A juxtaposition of kindness and ferocity, as, on one hand, he does all he can to snuff out evil, but he can't look away when someone is in trouble." Sonic Unleashed also has sidequests in which Sonic the Werehog is trying to convince the Elder Gregorios in Apotos that he is Sonic the Hedgehog. To prove it, Sonic undergoes a test of speed, which involves him getting a pair of glasses for the Elder in a certain time limit; a test of courage, by protecting the Elder from minions of Dark Gaia; and a test of selflessness and kindness, which involves Sonic obtaining a book for the Elder out of kindness.

                                It has also been shown that Sonic will try to hide pain, fear - unless Amy gets angry, during which Sonic will show obvious nervousness or even fear- or exhaustion. It is also shown that Sonic faints after some adventures (an example of this is in Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Colors). It has been revealed that Sonic loves and takes great pride in his speed, and that he takes insults towards his speed rather personally.

                                It is to note that regardless of the countless foes he has fought throughout the series, he bears no noticeable ill will to any of them, but rather he admires how powerful some of them are and how much fun they have given to him. An example of this is seen when Metal Sonic is defeated and Sonic tells him that he is open for a rematch. Most notable towards Dr. Eggman, whom has constantly tried to destroy him to complete his schemes, however Sonic is satisfied with merely stopping him, also in occasions where Eggman helps Sonic and co. to save the world (although for his own interests, mainly because he couldn't take over the world, if it's destroyed) he never rejects his help.

                                Despite his thrill-seeking, hyperactive, and smug demeanor, Sonic has shown many times to be much more insightful than he usually lets on. In the earliest display of this insight would be in Sonic Adventure, where Sonic was able to understand how simply resealing Chaos in the Master Emerald while Chaos was still suffering from all of its rage would solve nothing in the end. Other instances include in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), in which Sonic was able to give Elise valuable and comforting advice, and in the end of Sonic and the Black Knight, where he was able to give Merlina similar words of encouragement and comfort. This insight, combined with a charismatic personality, allows Sonic to get along with virtually anyone he meets, even if at one point they were his enemies.

                                Morality: True Good

                                Biography: Not much is known about Sonic's early life. It is unknown who his family is or if he has one, neither is it known how Sonic gained his trademark speed or if he was born with it. All that is known is that Sonic was born on Christmas Island, and that he has spent his life traveling the world while searching for adventure.

                                At some point in his life Sonic met Dr. Ivo Robotnik and they became enemies under unknown circumstances; though it could very possibly be the fact that Robotnik is always looking to get more power and to be ruler of any land he finds and knowing Sonic, he always chooses to help those in need. Since meeting with each other, Sonic fought Dr. Robotnik in an untold number of confrontations as the mad scientist attempted time and time again to conquer the world, with Sonic each time emerging victorious. Despite their many battles however, Sonic did not really account of his adversary. Sonic has made many new friends, fought many strong foes, and saved the world countless of times since.

                                Traumas: No known traumas since Sonic does not dwell on the past.

                                Oh and Wonder to answer your question about Silver, he just teleported... to where though? Let's just say he ended up landing in the dump.

