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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Or they could infuse it with Spartan tech and have it not only perform as a normal Destroyer, but also as a heavy weapon. They could at least use it to bludgeon enemies.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Lol. A SPARTAN with a Destroyer no matter what kind would be the true ultimate line of defense. A weapon that's mainly used for holding your ground and all (I mean literally Chung was trained to be a GUARDIAN and his main weapon is the Destroyer) combined with a Spartan would be deadly.
      Last edited by SUSTIC; 09-20-2013, 06:28 AM.



        Heck, with a Spartan's natural speed and strength, they could most likely dual-wield Destroyers!

        Anyways, I gotta go to the gym now.

        I'll be gone for about an hour.

        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.




            ...And I'm back.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Welcome back!

              Anyways I should have Chung wake up soon I suppose...

              Also the whole Spartan's dual-wielding Destroyer's... o-o;



                Heck, Spartan-IIIs can lift cars. With that logic, they should be able to dual-wield any weapon, like rocket launchers, or even Gravity Hammers.

                My question is, how are they going to use that much power in MJOLNIR armor?

                There is no possible way that you could even scratch the surface of the Portal Reactor's capabilities.

                They will probably be able to shoot lightning out of their hands now. Fitting for a suit named after a thunder god's signature weapon.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  True. With a Disfrozen Portal as a power source for a SPARTAN''s MJONIR armor they would be probably be capable of doing things they never even had been able to before, and with a Disfrozen Portal they could probably activate a Berserk Mode for their armor much like Chung's that would temporarily increase their physical strength even further, but at the cost of acting a bit more "angry" when in this stat.



                    I can only imagine the fuel they would get from the extra aggressiveness.

                    Spartans are supposed to be able to have complete control over their emotions. Just imagine them using that mastery over anger for precise strikes against an opponent in a fight.

                    They would be able to channel that aggressiveness and anger into each strike while retaining complete control.

                    They would be like rage monks.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Ha! I wouldn't want to mess with them!

                      Also I imagine that in the sequel with Chung working at Prometheus Labs that when he isn't in combat he is wearing a standard lab outfit (lab coat and everything.)

                      I also imagine that Chung would become quite famous because of him helping the Labs develop the Disfrozen Portal engine, and the development of Destroyer Mass Produced Type (Yes I gave it a name for the mass produced type of the Destroyer. Currently thinking of differences for the Destroyer Mass Produced Type, from the original Destroyer.)



                        It could be a heavy machinegun variant. It would be meant for either supporting fire, such as laying down suppressive fire on a large group of enemies, or full assault.

                        For a Spartan, they could easily use them as standard machineguns and if in close quarters with an enemy, they could use the Destroyer as a giant club.

                        Who knows, maybe they'll add axe blades to it for such occasions.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          There could be several Mass Produced Types.

                          They could be as followed

                          Destroyer Standard Mass Produced Type: A Mass Produced type of the Destroyer that acts like Chung's Destroyer except it's much weaker. It literally has all the same features, except all the special attacks and normal attacks are significantly weaker than the normal Destroyer's. It has to be "reloaded" every 8 shots to make up for the significant lack of power unlike the normal Destroyer's 6 shots. In Berserk Mode it loses the need to "reload." It's meant for defensive support.

                          Destroyer Mass Produced Type A: A heavier variant of the Destroyer. It's armed with axe-like blades on the sides for Melee Combat. It's the same size of the Destroyer, except you wield it like a club. It still acts like a Destroyer, but it is incapable of the special attacks like Carpet Bombing, and Dread Chase. Instead it can only fire very powerful short ranged blue blasts of energy. Must reload every 3 shots. It has a very slow fire rate. It's literally meant for close range combat. In Berserk Mode it gains a slightly faster fire rate, and only needs to be "reloaded" after every 4 shots instead of 3.

                          Destroyer Mass Produced Type M: A Mass Produced type of the Destroyer that is in the form of a large machine gun the same size of Chung's Destroyer. The individual shots are pretty weak, but it's fire rate is supreme. Even for machine gun standards.
                          This type is meant suppressive fire on large crowds of hostiles. After 5 minutes of constant fire the user must let the Destroyer "cool down" the user can also pull a lever that opens a vent on the side to speed up the cool down process. It runs on El Energy and is meant to be used in conjunction with a Disfrozen Portal for full effect (even though without a Portal modified MJOLNIR suit the Destroyer Mass Produced Type M still has infinite ammo.) Without a Disfrozen Portal the gun has a 20 second start up before firing. With a Disfrozen Portal and in the "Berserk Mode" there is no start up. In Berserk Mode the shots from this gun can pierce almost any armor. The only major downside is the start-up without Berserk Mode, and the fact that the shots are weak.

                          Who said there had to be only a single Mass Produced type?

                          After all those are produced, along with the Disfrozen Portal I'm sure Chung will gain a decent job in the Prometheus Labs. Heck maybe Halsey will even offer to tutor him (mainly because of him helping to build the Disfrozen Portal and not the weapons.)

                          Think about it. By the time of the sequel Chung would be much smarter than he currently is. He would have more knowledge, in both combat and engineering.
                          Last edited by SUSTIC; 09-20-2013, 09:13 AM.


                            Sup bruhs. I've got a bit of time before I go to class.

                            So lately, I was wondering... What if everything we know, every movie we watch, every manga we read... What if they all started out as an rp?



                              :O OH MY GOD THAT WOULD BE... uh... I got nothing :P



                                Then there would be a lot of RP threads.

                                It would be interesting, but the movies and mangas would not be as refined and clean, due to there being so many things going on at once. More often than not, there's a lot of planning for the script of the movies, mangas, etc.

                                That being said, it would be cool to see some of the fight scenes in this RP in a movie.

                                What do you think about the question?
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

