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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Yes I have Alia Cucoo.


      @ Neo

      Alia is of the Megaman series, right? just making sure so I can lump her in with the Capcom group


        Yes she is.

        This is Alia:


          hm.. a list of almost everything..

          The fox and jackal are officially coupled

          they trust the spartan, Yuuka, Zero and Yukari as friends


          cares for Ran as they are similar in species
          enjoys sparring with the scarlet sisters and with the oni
          Looks at HM knowing he is unstable and possibly a threath
          Would go to hell itself to save her friends
          Knows when someone is lying because of her instincts


          Loves to go on adventures
          Can see the thruth of people with her aura
          Enjoys fighting with the Oni

          Thats what I have at the moment from rellationships

          Now the abilities in terms of people

          The fox uses her instincts to see through people´s real intention
          sleeps lightly thus making her act almost instantly by hearing something
          Her will(stubborness) gives her more energy to keep going (like adrenaline)

          The jackal senses people´s intentions with her aura
          Her body is highly resistant to poisons/sedatives due to her natural type
          Has enough strength to lift ton weighted objects
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Okay, no one is posting. I'll go edit my post. Sorry to keep you waiting, S1. I'll add my relations thing later.

            EDIT: Derp me, Mima posted. Freaking new post system...
            Last edited by wonderweiss; 11-07-2013, 08:43 PM.


              (click for full size)


              @ Kristia

              Ok I'll change that out [partners] -> [couple]

              Getting the connection to Zero will be quite the feat...I'll have to reorganize.

     wonder's chara so I need info about him to place him.


                And since Midna will just enter the story, Im asking you cucoo, will she have the chance to meet link at the start of the LoZ arc or something? and is he the adult veriosn or child one?
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  @ Kristia
                  I'll have Adult Link for the start. Unless we had two versions of the LoZ arc where it could be child timeline or adult timeline. Time paradoxes....the best and most fun kind of paradox...



                    Nighty night.


                    The reason I don't have Daniel or Jack is because they are OCs. They are not Characters, only humans that have been turned into Spartans.

                    I also might have forgotten Halsey, but it would be damn impossible to get to her anyways.

                    As for the false trail, that would be hard to successfully pull off, but if you can, then kudos.

                    Okay, here's my relationship "chart".

                    *Sees your chart*

                    Oh sh*t. Sorry for this monstrous relationship list, but here it comes...

                    It's missing some of his acquaintances, but I'm not sure you need it, do you?

                    John is close friends with Renamon, but does get a little annoyed by her inability to follow his orders. She tends to give him a hard time, but she was one of the main reasons he began to open up and become more human. He is very protective of her and will risk life and limb for her.

                    John is friends with Nera. They don't know too much about each other, but they get along well.

                    John knows Six and considers Six more of an acquaintance than a friend. That being said, he does trust him, from one Spartan to another.

                    John is close friends with X. John respects X for how he keeps a sort of innocence about him, even in the worst circumstances. He will stop at nothing to protect X.

                    John is friends with Axl. Axl was pretty friendly to John, even going so far as to giving John one of his energy pistols, which John overloaded and meted when he tried to kill the Higher Power.

                    John is close friends with Yuuka. He will stop at nothing to protect her, like when he fought a large group of misc Characters and Neo-Yakuza agents while she was unconscious. He will also stop at nothing to help her regain her soul, even if it means going to another dimension filled with deadly kinds of magic.

                    John is romantically involved with Yukari. After the Devourer was defeated and Yukari was revived, she asked to marry him, to which he accepted. He doesn't really worry about her as much as all the others, considering that she's more powerful than he is. She still has yet to show that she is physically vulnerable to anything ordinary, so he is more at ease when she puts herself in danger. That being said, he can't help but feel worried for her at times, like what she will do if and when he dies. He might not worry too much about her being overwhelmed by an enemy, but if that does happen, then he will stop at nothing to protect her.

                    John is acquainted with Isaac Clarke, but knows little about him, other than that he is an engineer.

                    John is acquainted with Aya Shameimaru in a way that leans towards a friendship. They worked together to gather resources for the destroyed bridge in Old Hell.

                    John is acquaintances with Flandre Scarlet in a way that closely leans towards a friendship. John played with her in a gamer of hide-and-seek and survived, and is grateful that she saved him on one occasion. She seems to consider him a friend, and even though they don't often meet, John considers her one as well.

                    John is acquaintances with Koishi that leans towards a friendship. John met her when she was stalking him in the Ancient City. John considers her kind of strange, but still likes her.

                    John is friends with Rumia/EX Rumia. She is the one that taught John how to use his Darkness abilities. John is very protective of her.

                    John is acquaintances with Murasa. He doesn't know too much about her, other than that she is a ghost and that she made dubstep music.

                    John is acquaintances with Ran. He doesn't know too much about her, other than that she works for Yukari. Despite not knowing her very well, he is still very protective of her, but he tends to be like that with everyone.

                    John does not know Chen. He helped save her from Base 3 and saw a picture of her, but other than that, he does not know her.

                    John is enemies with Organization XIII. One of their members, Ansem, is inside his head, trying to corrupt John, but he has kept him at bay by purging his body with Light magic when Ansem attacks. As for the Organization, John dislikes them and would rather kill them than listen to them, especially since he knows what one of their goals are. They have also created a Darkness clone of John.

                    John is enemies and sort of a rival to Dark John, otherwise known as "The Dark Spartan".

                    John is enemies with the Neo-Yakuza. He was one of the people responsible for Baser 3's destruction. He was always enemies with them, ever since he was a police officer.

                    John is enemies with The Auditor. He has not done anything hostile towards The Auditor, and vice-versa, but John knows that he will soon have to kill The Auditor, due to dis plans to destroy the world for sh*ts and giggles.

                    John is enemies with Mephisto. On the Consumer, John met the demon after falling through a hole in the floor. John heard about Mephisto's plan to destroy/enslave Humanity and now John is trying to stop him. Nobody knows about Mephisto yet.

                    John is enemies with Tricky, the psychopathic clown. During the events of Base 3, John found that Tricky slaughtered the leader of the base. After a while, Tricky attacked John in Shinki's Palace. John holds no hatred for him, but he does find him to be a threat that needs to be eliminated.

                    John used to be enemies with The Higher Power, but is now allies with him. The Higher Power tried to kidnap Hank so that Hank would go back to Nevada and fight The Auditor's organization, so John tried to stop him. There was also the case where the HP tried to kill Sariel with a giant bomb. John saved Sariel, but was even angrier at the HP. After a while, the HP mended relations with John and even gave him the task of killing the Auditor. In return, John will get one favor from the HP.

                    John is close friends with HM. They used to be enemies back in Hawaii. John killed HM, but HM was revived by DiZ, who turned him into a MIHI. After John learned that HM could not fight John, he reluctantly tolerated him until he learned that HM was just a guy that was doing what he was told by the Neo-Yakuza. Now that HM is captured, John will try everything in his power to save HM from his guardian angel.

                    John is acquaintances With Hank. They fought alongside each other, but other than that, not much else is known. Despite that, John will put his life on the line to protect Hank.
                    Last edited by S121; 11-07-2013, 08:54 PM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Oh yea, Gate knows X and Zero as they did fight Gate in X6. Axl however does not know much, if nothing about Gate.


                        @ S121 + Neo

                        *looks at list*
                        *looks at chart*
                        *looks back to list*
                        ...I need to spread things out more...again. Ok this will be fun. woot woot~!



                          How much information do you need?

                          Should I limit John's relationships to just friends/whatever?


                          Welcome back!

                          Where's Isaac and Lujura?

                          There's no location tag.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Oh yea Isaac and Zero are also acquaintances if not good friends.


                              Relations with my characters, oh boy, this might be a long post.

                              I'll start with Hank, since he's somewhat simple when it comes to relations. He's friends with Sanford and Deimos, and to an extent Otori, Shikieiki, and John, due to their time spent together. He utterly hates the Auditor and especially Tricky, due to his several deaths due to that godforsaken clown. He's respectful to most allies (thought it doesn't seem that way to most) and finds John a powerful ally, and would even like to spar with him if he could.

                              The Auditor just plain hates anyone who doesn't side with him, especially Jesus (who will be appearing in Season 2, by the way) along with Hank & friends. Tricky and him are allies, but the Auditor is HIGHLY distrustful of him due to past events, and if needed, would gladly kill him. He sees John as more of an annoyance than an actual threat, but doesn't underestimate him, but rather pushes him to the side, or just watches him for entertainment.

                              Tricky's a toughy. One second he could be an ally, the next you could have his streetsign impaled through your chest. He's highly unstable, and will kill thousands just for fun. He considers Hank a rival, and even resurrects him twice just to fight him some more. The Auditor is just a way to gain some more henchmen for Hank to fight during Tricky's many fights with him, and would cut off his connections at any time if wanted.

                              Koishi's relations are again somewhat simple. She considers Isaac to be a close friend (though I could see a relationship going on between them) along with Winslow and Model X . She also friends with GlaDOs (though she distrusts her), Heavy Weapons Guy, Mr. Foster, Serious Sam, John, and Marisa. She doesn't like people who hurt he friends and will go to any length to protect them if she has to.

                              Mima is friends with many people, including Dr. Kliener, Salvador, Marisa, DAR, John, and a few others I may have forgotten. She doesn't have any real "enemies", but has a resentment towards the Akrids, who assaulted her many times. (Akrids may also reappear in Season 2).

                              Mephisto is a generally enigmatic character, who doesn't make his appearance known very much. He loves toying with people to make them angry as he feeds off of anger, and John is no exception. More will be revealed in Season 2.

                              I'm a little bored, so i might put more down later.
                              Last edited by Koishi; 11-07-2013, 09:23 PM.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                Ok how about we simplify this so I don't have to interpret things?

                                Do this for me:

                                [character] -> Relation in a word or 2 ( if mutual: [<-] if one way: [->]) [second character/organization]

                                That way it's easier for me to see what's where and why

                                anyway, I've gotten through John's except for these:


                                John is enemies with The Auditor. He has not done anything hostile towards The Auditor, and vice-versa, but John knows that he will soon have to kill The Auditor, due to dis plans to destroy the world for sh*ts and giggles.

                                John is enemies with Mephisto. On the Consumer, John met the demon after falling through a hole in the floor. John heard about Mephisto's plan to destroy/enslave Humanity and now John is trying to stop him. Nobody knows about Mephisto yet.

                                John is enemies with Tricky, the psychopathic clown. During the events of Base 3, John found that Tricky slaughtered the leader of the base. After a while, Tricky attacked John in Shinki's Palace. John holds no hatred for him, but he does find him to be a threat that needs to be eliminated.

                                John used to be enemies with The Higher Power, but is now allies with him. The Higher Power tried to kidnap Hank so that Hank would go back to Nevada and fight The Auditor's organization, so John tried to stop him. There was also the case where the HP tried to kill Sariel with a giant bomb. John saved Sariel, but was even angrier at the HP. After a while, the HP mended relations with John and even gave him the task of killing the Auditor. In return, John will get one favor from the HP.

                                John is close friends with HM. They used to be enemies back in Hawaii. John killed HM, but HM was revived by DiZ, who turned him into a MIHI. After John learned that HM could not fight John, he reluctantly tolerated him until he learned that HM was just a guy that was doing what he was told by the Neo-Yakuza. Now that HM is captured, John will try everything in his power to save HM from his guardian angel.

                                John is acquaintances With Hank. They fought alongside each other, but other than that, not much else is known. Despite that, John will put his life on the line to protect Hank.

                                gotta put the Isaac -> close friends <- Zero

                                Then I gotta sift through Mima's and make sure I avoid duplicates

                                Also, for some, tell me what category the character falls in so I know where to arrange them

                                i.e. OCs, [game series], [game company], w/e clusters them.

                                Updated Chart:

                                (click for full)
                                Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-07-2013, 09:33 PM.

