Palace of the Earth Spirits
Hearing the soldierīs emotional break gave some sadness to Renamon, but also it gave anger to her.
Not saying a word, the fox took the soldierīs chest and pulled him se he could be at eye-level to the vixen "Then stop thinking of her loss and think of why she sacrificed her life, I have seen the ones I love die in front of my eyes and couldnīt help them at all, I have the memories of their deaths vividly on my mind. Life is like a flame, if you are negative and keep mourning, the flame will be weak and can easily be gone, but if you move on and regain your spirit, the flame will not only go back to its strength, it will get stronger as you let those shackles free of you"
The vixen let go of the spartan as she felt a tear appearing on her eye and she took it off and started following Orin "Come on John, we got a friend to save"
Hearing the soldierīs emotional break gave some sadness to Renamon, but also it gave anger to her.
Not saying a word, the fox took the soldierīs chest and pulled him se he could be at eye-level to the vixen "Then stop thinking of her loss and think of why she sacrificed her life, I have seen the ones I love die in front of my eyes and couldnīt help them at all, I have the memories of their deaths vividly on my mind. Life is like a flame, if you are negative and keep mourning, the flame will be weak and can easily be gone, but if you move on and regain your spirit, the flame will not only go back to its strength, it will get stronger as you let those shackles free of you"
The vixen let go of the spartan as she felt a tear appearing on her eye and she took it off and started following Orin "Come on John, we got a friend to save"