God, the boat ride was very uncomfortable. I had been playing cards with a drunken Komachi the entire time before we had seafood for lunch. It was great, though. Soon after, there was a call to board the boat. Once we went out to sea, I felt very seasick. for once I felt pity for Komachi's constant boat trips, but then I took my pity back when I realized that Komachi was more than alright.
Then Otori came to me with a capsule. "Here. For the seasickness." I took it.
We then talked up a storm. We exchanged information about both our worlds, and before we knew it, the supposed 2 hour trip ended.
Komachi ran off to get her sake, and I decided to go with Otori to pick up the plane, but in reality, he has a friend that works there. And by there, I mean the army base of okinawa.
When we got there, everyone seemed in a panic. A man come from the side. "Otori! Otori!"
"John, what is it?"
"Someone's here! Characters! They somehow infiltrated the base! We dont know what they are planning, but some have hijacked one of our chopper!"
Then Otori came to me with a capsule. "Here. For the seasickness." I took it.
We then talked up a storm. We exchanged information about both our worlds, and before we knew it, the supposed 2 hour trip ended.
Komachi ran off to get her sake, and I decided to go with Otori to pick up the plane, but in reality, he has a friend that works there. And by there, I mean the army base of okinawa.
When we got there, everyone seemed in a panic. A man come from the side. "Otori! Otori!"
"John, what is it?"
"Someone's here! Characters! They somehow infiltrated the base! We dont know what they are planning, but some have hijacked one of our chopper!"