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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Battle of Gensokyo

    Renamon saw the legion preparing to attack and didn´t hesitate using her energy to go all the way to Sakuyamon "We don´t have henchmen, we fight with our own strength" the shaman said sending waves of energy towards the legions

    Nera ran towards the legion and started attacking them without stopping using her bone staff "Even a soldier can be better than his superior" she said evading an attack

    Sakuyamon then pointed her staff to the general "If you truly have honor, stop this madness of war" she said ready for him
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Battle of Gensokyo

      "Stop...?" Christol sighed in midst of the chaos. "Even if I wanted to, my damn existence prevents me from going against the one who has subjugated me. It can not be stopped!"
      "If it can't be stopped, it should then be hastened!" A gloating voice, and a sudden shift in gravity disoriented the Legions, leaving their lance tips away from Renamon and Nera.
      "I'll take these goons from here!" Seija Kijin told the beasts. "You two have much more important work ahead of you!"


        Battle of Gensokyo

        Sakuyamon nodded with Seija and took Nera with her as they flew their way to the ship. "Guess we will give our best in there, huh?" the jackal said

        "Yes, we will give our all in this" the shaman said going for the ship and noticed the spartan "John, how much to the ship? she asked getting closer to him
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Battle of Gensokyo

          The bottom hatch of one of the Inventory ships opened, with Koishi on the inside.

          "This is a horrible idea." came the voice of GLaDOs from the intercoms.

          "I don't care~" Koishi then jumped from the ship, landing on top of an enemy Nucleoid, crushing his shull and lightening her fall as thorny vines entagled the Nucleoids aroundher, until roses bloomed, causing the Nucleoids to be evicerated. She then fired a large heart shaped danmaku in front of her, then sent it flying forward with a kick, flying through several more Nucleoids.

          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


            Battle of Gensokyo

            John continued his sprint towards the Extractor, looking at his waypoint as he did so.

            < 3.15km >

            (I'm making decent time.)

            All of a sudden, another hallucination began to affect John. John looked around and saw a group of Nucleoids charging towards him.

            John was about to pull out his M45D Tactical Shotgun, but stopped.

            (No, I've got to fly up and purge again. I don't wnat to hurt any of my allies.), John thought as he flew into the air and performed another light purge.

            John's vision returned to normal and saw that the Nucleoids he saw were actually a mix of Youkai and Nucleiods fighting one another.

            (This is starting to piss me off...), John thought as he flew towards the extractor at 200 mph.

            Meanwhile, Isaac saw what looked to be a giant sumo.

            (What the hell? Where do they get these guys? Oh well. When in doubt, go for the eyes!), Isaac thought as he readied his Javelin Gun.

            Just as the giant turned his attention away from John and over to Shou, Isaac dive-bombed the Sumo's face at Mach 5 and fired a metal spike towards one of its eyes.

            Jason saw Renamon and Nera fighting what looked to be a mutant with a scythe for a hand and decided to help with it's minions.

            All of a sudden, a storm of 20mm rounds began to shred through the General's Legions.

            "Two against 500,001? Doesn't seem fair to me.", Jason remarked as he fired a missile into the swarm, hitting a large group of them.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Battle of Gensokyo

              Sakuyamon noticed that the spartan was still having mental problems "I hope you understand this John" she said sending a blinding light in front of him

              "If you are blinded, you will have to focus on your ears spartan, trust me, we will cover you" the shaman said as the light disappeared
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Battle of Gensokyo

                "Hold it." A voice behind John echoed... Even though there were nobody there.
                Materializing in front of him were what seemed to be identical men: all dressed in black trench coat that covered his body, red sunglasses and black fedora. They all carried what looked to be a tommygun.
                "Admiral Wells Trebeq." Trebeq huffed. It sounded as if he was playing with his minds, where all of the men were talking in unison, in a same voice, same tone, same accent... "I am assigned to prevent any of you from reaching the Extractor drill."

                "Why always go for my eyes?" Akisoba grunted, closing his eyes. His skins were so hardeed, even the metal spikes couldn't leave a dent on it. "You all fight dirty!"
                Akisoba blew on Isaac aimlessly and caught him with the edge of the gale. Even with the edge of the gale, he was knocked over.


                  Battle of Gensokyo

                  "Oh you won´t!" Nera interjected the men in suits with a volley of aura spheres

                  Sakuyamon then put herself between the spartan and the men "We will deal with them John, just go!"
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Battle of Gensokyo

                    John saw a bright light, but his visor automatically darkened it, only causing a purple afterimage in his sight.

                    "Agh! What was that, a General?", John asked himself as he continued to fly.

                    (I've got to be careful. If I get blinded, I won't be able to see. If I can't see, then I won't be able to see where I'm going.)

                    All of a sudden, two strange men appeared and tried to stop John, but Renamon and Nera got their attention.

                    John nodded at Renamon's words and flew towards the Extractor.
                    Last edited by S121; 08-13-2013, 02:16 AM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Battle of Gensokyo

                      "I do not mind." Trebeq nodded: all the men nodded and said in unison. "Go, my shadows."
                      Two of the shadowy men launched themselves towards Renamon and Nera and grabbed their respective weapons. Strangely, they were just as strong as Renamon and Nera respectively: not one but less but not one bit more either.


                        Battle of Gensokyo

                        Sakuyamon was struggling with the shadow as he had the same power as her "Let me guess, mimic shadows?" she asked and suddenly hitted tha shadow´s head with hers strongly

                        "Hm.. trying to grab my arms? what a curious bunch" Nera said evading the shadow and looking at it like if it was a mirrror
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Battle of Gensokyo

                          The shadow that was struggling with Renamon was vanished. The one fighting Nera was still there.
                          "Go, my shadow." Trebeq motioned, and another shadowy man came to take the spot of the vanished one. This man was weaker than the first, but that was because of the energy Renamon spent to headbutt the first shadowy man.

                          "Buy some time!" A Grunt shouted as the enemy began taking a defensive position that slowed John down. "Hold out for 30 more minutes!"


                            Battle of Gensokyo

                            Koishi was taking down any Nucleoid in her way, with a smile still on her face as she killed another large group of them.

                            The Borealis above, meanwhile was also destroying everytihng in it's path, the cannonball either crushing or exploding into the large forces.

                            "Come on, where's the actual threat here?" Marisa said.

                            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                              Battle of Gensokyo

                              "Ah I see, they will have the exact amount of power we have at the moment and will go down with us, right? lets test something" Sakuyamon said gathering energy from taking calm breaths and from the surroundings

                              "A good strategy, but nothing is perfect" Nera said calmly gathering strength from her aura
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Battle of Gensokyo

                                John continued to fly at full speed with his thrusters, but saw that he was being shot at.

                                (Time to raise the overshields...)

                                John focused on his shields, causing neural interface in the suit to read his command and raise his shields to 400%.

                                John then held his hands below himself and created a "Hard Lightshield", protecting him from projectiles as he flew by.

                                < 3.00km >

                                Isaac was blown off course, but regained control in a split second, thanks to the stability of his thrusters.

                                Isaac then flew behind Akisoba and pulled out his Super Collider Contact Beam.

                                (Now this baby will hurt.), Isaac thought as he charged the Particle Accelerator and blasted at the back of Akisoba's knee.

                                "Shou! Try to keep him occupied!", Isaac said to Shou.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

