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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Moriya Shrine

    "Contacting with the spirits is odd at first... but if you live in Gensokyo, you'll get used to it." Suwako smiled. "And it looks like you have gained a blessing from them as well."
    "Well, we better get going. There are plenty of other resources to grab, and the sun has already set." Aya said.
    "I'll see you later then." Suwako said, bidding farewell.


      Moriya Shrine

      "Later.", John said to Suwako before flying away with the tree.

      It was very evident that John was having difficulties carrying the tree. His thrusters were barely keeping him in the air.

      The Bridge, under Construction

      John and Aya eventually returned to Old Hell.

      John landed with a thud. The tree only served to make his landing even louder.

      "If I'm not careful, I'm going to blow out my thrusters. Maybe I should take off some of my armor plates.", John said.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        The Bridge, under Construction

        "Yuuka! We brought the tree!" Aya shouted.
        "Okay, bring it down here, I was just about to get started too." Yuuka yelled back, surrounded by wide assortment of tools.


          The Bridge, under Construction

          "Okay, bring it down here, I was just about to get started too.", Yuuka said.

          John walked over with the tree and gently placed it down, not wanting to damage the wood.

          "Okay, here it is."

          John then looked to Aya.

          "Where's the next location on the list?", John asked.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            The Bridge, under Construction

            "Let's see..., WHOA!" Aya looked at the list to find something shocking. "We have to go ALL THE WAY to Makai?"


              The Bridge, under Construction

              "We have to go ALL THE WAY to Makai?"

              "That's not so bad, is it?", John asked.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                The Bridge, under Construction

                "Are you kidding me?" Aya's eyes widened. "Do you know how hostile Makai's environment is? The poisonous billows, the lava lakes, the demons that lurk in there, even a tengu like me will have a hard time surviving in there."


                  The Bridge, under Construction

                  "Do you know how hostile Makai's environment is? The poisonous billows, the lava lakes, the demons that lurk in there, even a tengu like me will have a hard time surviving in there.", Aya said.

                  "Doesn't sound too bad to me. Besides, I've been there before, or at least to Pandemonium, on the outskirts of Makai.", John calmly said.

                  John was used to dangerous environments, and even more used to dangerous creatures.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    The Bridge, under Construction

                    Aya sighed. She had a hard choice to make: either help John and enter a suicide zone, or hurt his feelings.
                    "Alright let's go to Makai then," Aya groaned as she took flight.


                      The Bridge, under Construction

                      "Alright let's go to Makai then.", Aya groaned as she took flight.

                      John could tell that Aya was reluctant to enter Makai.

                      "Don't worry. If Demons are anything like some of the Covenant I've fought, then well be more than fine."

                      John took flight and said, "Okay. Following you."
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Entrance to Makai

                        The entrance to Makai, the devil's realm, was a simple cave mouth, with no insignia of whatsoever. In front of the cave was Sara, keeping watch.
                        "Yo!" Sara called out to John as John and Aya arrived at the entrance. "What brings you and the tengu here today?"


                          Shinki's Palace; Shiki

                          We had arrived in the courtyard. I walked inside. I looked for Shinki.

                          "Shinki! Where are you?"

                          Home Base, Nevada; Otori

                          "Is that so? Here, let me borrow the laptop."


                            Shinki's Palace

                            "Ah, it's you." Yumeko greeted the yama while patrolling. "Mistress Shinki is out, she went to visit Byakuren-sama in the Human Village"


                              Entrance to Makai

                              "What brings you and the tengu here today?", Sara asked.

                              "We need to grab materials for Parsee's bridge. It was destroyed.", John said.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Shinki's Palace; Shiki

                                Komachi greeted Yumeko. "Hiya. Well, I'll tell you some good news and bad news. Bad news is, the tour ended in a complete disaster. Good news is, the majority of us are alright. Hank though..."

                                "I see. Is there any extra clothes here that might fit me? As you can see, I-well, Komachi and I, that is- am pretty dirtied up. Do you know when she's getting back?"

