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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Machine gun, huh? They were always the abne of my existence when it came to moving.

    But otherwise, they were fun as hell!!!

    I took cover and began firing. After a couple rounds, I hid. A few moments later I would reappear. I kept the pattern on.

    "Whaddya think is doing this?!"

    "The Improbability Drive?"

    Seeing what it can do, I'm beginning to think that Otori should not take the Improbability Drive.

    "Open the door, I'll fire a danmaku."


      Somewhere in Nevada

      "Probably the Drive." Deimos said, ducking from the MG fire. Sanford began swinging his hook, getting it into the Machine gunner's head, and he pulled. The gunner's head was pulled off, and the fire from the MG42 stopped. Deimos went over the cover, laying down a hail of bullets, killing most of them, others retreating.

      Christoff opened the door using his powers, and made a toothy smile.

      "Ladies first." Christoff joked.

      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



        Phantom had managed to sneak on the plane, however he is hiding in the cargo bay so he doesn't get caught.


        After a while Axl had finally passed out.

        Yukari's Resort

        X had continued listening to the plan. Though he continues to try and think of things as well.

        Meanwhile Alia had continued working on repairing Zero who was on the couch. Already she managed to fix all the holes in Zero's body and managed to get him to talking capacity. All she has left is repairing the rest of his body.

        "Well there we go. He should be able to wake up and speak now. It's all I can do here however. I still need to take him to my lab at my home to finish the rest." Said Alia as she stands up and walks into the meeting room.



          Meanwhile in the air above Hawaii the infamous Dr. Robotnik AKA Eggman confronted Sonic and Tails who were in the Tornado.

          "Give up the Emerald Egghead!" Exclaimed Sonic.

          "There's no escaping this time!" Said Tails right after Sonic.

          Eggman simply laughs at the two. "You think I would hand it over so easily? You must think I'm a fool!" Said Eggman as Sonic manages to catch Eggman off guard with a well placed homing attack, causing Eggman to drop the emerald.

          "Oh no!" Yelled Eggman as he turns to Sonic who managed to land on front of the Eggmobile.

          "Woops. Sorry about that!" Said Sonic with a chuckle as he hops off the Eggmobile and back onto the Tornado. "Quick Tails! We need to get that Emerald!" Remarked Sonic as Tails nods. They then begin to fly down to the ground with Eggman following quickly behind. The Emerald landed at the base of a volcano.


            Somewhere in Nevada; Otori

            "The drive can make someone into a senseless powerhouse?"

            If I got that... I have to go control it!

            ...You... are hopeless.

            I just got a weird feeling... that the voice... just left. He can't leave, but I get the feeling that he has shut himself off.

            Okay. I got this.

            "Charge of Virtue!"

            Blue projectiles fired at the hordes of enemies.
            Hollywood, California; Ocelot
            [hr]God, that was the longest flight ever! Hope I don't have to do that again. But we're here.

            Speaking of which, where is that robot dude?

            I went outside the building waiting for him. That guy's got ten minutes before I hit the dust.

            Okay, maybe twenty. But he better hurry.


              Yukari's Resort

              All of a sudden, John saw a large energy spike on his radar.

              (What the? That's not normal. That energy reading is the equivalent of my reactor in it's overdrive mode. I should check this out. It could be a bad thing.)

              "I'm sorry, but something has come to my attention. As for my plan, look at the papers I gave everyone. We should probably just take a break to let everything sink in, just a little one.", John said as he stood up and quickly left the room...

              Volcano - Honolulu, Hawaii

              After a long while, John followed the energy reading to the base of a volcano, where it then moved from the sky, to the ground.

              (No problem, just have to not fall in.)

              John ran up the base of the volcano, all the way to the top.

              Once there, John looked around the area, but found no threats.

              (What could it be, if not a person?)

              That's when it caught John's eye.

              An emerald was laying on the ground.

              John walked over and picked it up, curious of the reading coming from it.

              (Could this be what caused the energy spike? It does seem unusual. It kind of reminds me of a data crystal chip... Maybe instead of storing data, it stores energy?)
              Last edited by S121; 07-06-2013, 01:58 AM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                As John picked up the Emerald Sonic looked down. "Sorry Tails, but it's time for me to dive!" Said Sonic as he jumps off the Tornado. He then goes into a incredibly fast spin down the volcano and down to John. After Sonic plows through a tree due to the gained momentum from falling from the sky, then spinning down a mountain he stands up and looks at John. Sonic then goes into a defensive stance. Sonic then looks up at the Sky. Eggman can be seen quickly hovering down in the Eggmobile to the ground in between John and Sonic. Eggman turns to John who is holding the Emerald. "You! Hand me the Emerald this instant!" Said Eggman as Tails lands in a nearby clearing.


                  Volcano - Honolulu, Hawaii

                  "You! Hand me the Emerald this instant!", the strange man in the Eggmobile said.

                  (Okay, a super-powered emerald falls out of the sky, along with Sega's mascot and a guy shaped like an egg.. in a hover... thing.)

                  John was confused by the situation before him.

                  "Would someone mind explaining the situation to me? If you think about it, this is quite the scenario."

                  John then pointed to Sonic.

                  "Sega's mascot, Sonic, right?"
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Volcano - Honolulu, Hawaii

                    Sonic looks at John and smirks. "Ya betcha! Sonic's the name and speeds my game! You see me and Egghead here were fighting over that there Chaos Emerald when he dropped it." Said Sonic as Eggman turns to him. "You blue pest! You were the one that caused me to drop it!" Said Eggman as he turns back to John. "Now hand me the Emerald before I do something drastic." Said Eggman as he takes out a blaster from the Eggmobile. He then notices that Tails had ran up to the group. "Hand it over before I shoot the fox." Said the mad doctor as Sonic takes a step back. He then looks at John and gestures for him to hand the Emerald to Eggman. Obviously Sonic is pretty chill about this situation.


                      Volcano - Honolulu, Hawaii

                      John looked at "Egghead" and then at the fox boy.

                      That's when John made his decision.

                      Using his Spartan reflexes, John pulled out his pistol with his other hand and fired an armor piercing, high-explosive round straight into Eggman's blaster, fragmenting the weapon.

                      John then aimed his pistol at Eggman.

                      "Threatening to kill children doesn't really give me much incentive to trust you.", John said.
                      Last edited by S121; 07-04-2013, 03:35 PM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Volcano-Honolulu, Hawaii

                        Sonic, Tails, and especially Eggman were all shocked at John's action. "Whoa!" Said Sonic as Tails quickly took cover behind a tree. "I had a plan you know!" Said Sonic as he looks at Eggman. Sonic then shrugs his shoulders and turns to Eggman who turns to John. "Shoot! You haven't seen the last of me!" Said Eggman as the Eggmobile hovers high into the air. "Oh no you don't!" Said Sonic as he quickly jumps onto a nearby tree branch then does a spin jump attack at one of the Eggmobile's thrusters. Sonic had successfully damaged one of the thrusters of the Eggmobile, causing the Eggmobile (and Eggman) to spiral out of control. Sonic then lands on the ground and dusts himself off. He then walks towards John and looks at him. "I take it you're Master Chief?" Said Sonic as he smiles. "Nice to meet ya. Well anyways mind handing me that Chaos Emerald? Me and my friend has been looking for it." Said Sonic as he points to Tails who is still cowering behind a tree.


                          Volcano - Honolulu, Hawaii

                          "I take it you're Master Chief?", asked Sonic as he smiled.

                          John nodded.

                          "Nice to meet ya. Well anyways mind handing me that Chaos Emerald? Me and my friend has been looking for it.", Sonic said.

                          (Hmm... Maybe I could get them to help us...)

                          "I have a better idea. You see, I need it to save Earth from an alien race that wants to absorb the Earth's core, then assimilate all living beings into their army. I'll give it back, but in return, I would appreciate you helping us. We need every person we can find. You don't really have to, but according to the energy readings coming from it, the emerald would prove invaluable to the mission. If you don't want to help, then could I at least borrow it?", John asked in a calm tone.
                          Last edited by S121; 07-04-2013, 03:55 PM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Volcano-Honolulu, Hawaii

                            Sonic scratches his chin as he thinks for a minute. "Okay. I'll help ya." Said Sonic as Tails stops cowering behind the tree and runs up to him. "But Sonic what about Eggman? What if he finds another Emerald?" Asked Tails as Sonic just smirks. "Don't worry Tails. Eggman couldn't find another Chaos Emerald even if he tried." Said Sonic in a somewhat cocky tone.


                              Volcano - Honolulu, Hawaii

                              John handed the emerald to Sonic, then spoke.

                              "So what are these emeralds capable of?", John asked.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Volcano, Honolulu Hawaii

                                "They contain extreme quantity of energy" a voice behind them said

                                An armored hunter appeared and walked close to them, yet at a safe distance "I suggest you to give me that gem, we donīt want it to fall in the wrong hands, donīt we?" the hunter asked lifting her left hand gesturing to receive the emerald
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


