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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Research Labs-London

    Chris looked at the sign and chuckled a bit. "Hope people actually read that sign..." He said in a whisper as he continues to follow Gerard. Eventually they came a door with a sign on the side.


    "I think we find the place. I'll go in and try and get as much info as I can. You keep guard." Said Chris as he slowly opens the door. He then proceeds to look around. There were many computers and file cabinets in this room. "Looks like this is going to be a while."



      "Not the happiest job in the world, but it pays well." The General laughed.


        "I hear ya. Pain in the ass just being an elite agent. They would kill me should they find out I failed. But luckily, I died in an explosion. But enough about me. Why didn't you attack me yet? I'm quite curious."

        "Agreed. I'll be here to make sure you don't get in any trouble."


          London Research Labs-Archives

          Chris began looking on one of the computers for everything about the T-Virus and the bomb.

          Eventually he found out which file cabinet the files would be stored in on the computer. "Got it! This might be a little faster than I thought." Said Chris as he goes up to the file cabinet and begins searching.

          JUST OUTSIDE

          The sound of two agents talking can be heard from inside the hall. They seem to be heading to... the archives!


            Agents! I went outside.

            "I'm sorry, but an investigation is underway for any stolen information. I will not allow you to pass."


              London-Outside Research lab

              The agents looked at Gerard slightly confused.

              "Well that's odd... that's what the leader sent us here for." Said one of the agents.


                Damn! Umm...

                "Ah, understandable. You may pass. However, one of our newest hackers is in process. I ask that you do not disturb him or you will face consequences. I will be observing."


                  London Research Lab-Archives

                  The agents nod and go inside. Once they do Chris stops and turns to the agents. For a few minutes they simply stare at each other blankly. He goes to reach for his handgun, but the agents just turn away and go to the computer to begin to search the security files from today.

                  Chris who is slightly on edge continues to look for the files until he finally found what he needed.

                  "Got it! Now to make my leave." Thought Chris as he leaves the archives with the files. The two agents simply nod to him as he leaves. Obviously they fell for Gerard's little lie. They think Chris is a fellow agent!

                  Chris exits the archives with a few papers in hand.



                    "Thou darest call me a bowl girl?" Futo shouted, enraged. Miko spread her arms to calm her down.
                    "This is all... very nice." Miko smiled, looking down on the battleground. Muenzuka seemed to be in chaos... Good. Human Village is, well, not doing so hot. "Your help would be appreciated."


                    "I, I really just wanna finish my drink here." The General swirled his glass before emptying it quickly. "Bunch of amateur Admirals and their men, anyway."
                    "General Dominus, that is very rude!" The secretary Nucleoid barked, scolding her superior. "Admiral LuGat and Admiral Hyunlei are some of the best new Admirals in our division-"
                    "But none of them are as good as you are, sweetheart."
                    The secretary blushed, backing away.


                      Kappa Village

                      Zero kept on fighting the seemingly endless supply of Grunts. However there is simply too much of them. "I can't keep this up much longer! I need back up!" Said Zero as suddenly a blue energy blast comes out of nowhere, blowing through a few grunts. The one behind the blast was none other than X! He had came over to help! He had managed to fly in with the Falcon Armor. "Don't worry Zero I'm here to help!"


                        Kappa Village

                        "I got this one!" Mitori shouted, throwing a vial of sticky liquid that halted the next wave of enemy's movement. She pressed the button on her remote control, and all Grunts that took the blast of the liquid exploded.


                          "Good, you have retrieved the documents. You two, clear out. Send reinforcements to guard the place."

                          I then exited and took the papers.

                          "Well, time to see what's in them, 'hostage.'"

                          After the fun process of going through checkpoints, I made it outside where the driver was.

                          "Smooth. Now then, LuGat, you say? I fought one of his men, recently. Smart kid, though you can easily put 'ass' after 'smart.' Names HM."



                            John began to get impatient and looked at Yukari.

                            "So what do we do about the General in the cafeteria and the one approaching?", John asked Yukari as he waited for the "Cowboy" to finish.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                              Marisa was watching Koishi at the moment with binoculars.

                              "I think that's not going to be the case for long." Marisa said.

                              Human Village

                              Red Eye stopped next to the human village, Koishi, Sam, The Heavy, and Mr. Foster coming out, the latter three firing upon the grunts, demolishing their forces with bullets. Koishi sent out waves of danmaku pushing back any who tried to intervene, as a mixture of human, Satori, and Akrid forces pushed back the Devourer's troops from the village.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



                                "The name's Yamaha. Dominus Yamaha." Dominus nodded. "And what do you mean, another General?"
                                "They must have misheard that there might be two Generals." The secretary nodded, leaning close to Dominus.
                                "Well, a'ight. Glad to meet you: HM, that armored guy." Dominus laughed as he staggered upwards, with the secretary holding him in place. "I think I'll take the day off... Don't care damn about this base anyway..."

                                Human Village

                                "Who's that?" A human man asked as Koishi walked past them.
                                "That's Koishi, sister of Satori." A were-hakutaku walked out, fashioned herself in a most peculiar and frightening armor yet. "Didn't expect you to bring guests over, Koishi-san."

                                Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-16-2013, 11:36 PM.

