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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Battle of Gensokyo

    "Perhaps I might be able to keep you company?" A tender voice asked from Marisa's back. Behind her was a very handsome, young man wearing a butler's suit along with a bottle of wine and a liquor glass balanced on a silver serving plate. The bishonen's hair was completely white, except for a few purple highlights.

    "Okay!" Shou nodded as she prepared a spell card. "Sovereign Treasure - Fragment of Jade!"
    A bright laser blasted through the battlefield. While this laser wasn't fatal, anything that passes through the laser gains extreme speed boost.

    The shadowy men stopped fighting and stood there. They were also harnessing energy from unknown source, carefully and meticulously matching Renamon and Nera's power.
    "It is of no use." Trebeq huffed. "I am specifically designed to kill time. There is no escape from yourself."


      Battle of Gensokyo

      Without even noticing the laser coming from behind, John continued forward.

      With little warning, a bright, green laser covered every square inch of John and propelled him even faster forward at a speed of 600 mph.

      (What!? How!?), John thought as he looked at his shield gauge and saw that it was taking negligible damage from the laser.

      John smirked inside of his helmet as he rocketed through the air, getting closer and closer to the Exrtactor.

      < 2.00km >

      As soon as Akisoba was distracted, Isaac flew over to his ear and landed on it.

      Once Isaac got a good foot position on the ear, he then activated his grav-boots, allowing him to remain tethered to the side of the Admiral's head.

      Isaac then aimed the Contact beam at Akisoba's temple and fired, sending the accelerated particles at their target.
      Last edited by S121; 08-13-2013, 11:57 AM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Battle of Gensokyo

        "And who in the blazing hells are you?" Marisa asked.

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          All of a sudden, a bright light covered us. I hovered over Daiyousei's body just in case.

          Damn it! The targeting system is going crazy, I can't sense anyone! I'll just stay here until the light clears out.


            The Battle of Gensokyo

            X and Axl kept fighting, the many nucleoids, trying to get to the Extractor.

            Axl had kept firing his energy pistol as he kept running through the army, serving as mostly a distraction for the others to attack.

            X who was in his standard frame had begun charging a powerful charge shot, an overloaded on as you will. As he was finished he quickly let all the energy he had charged up out in one large blast.

            The Package

            "Oh really now? If it was made by you then it MUST be good." He said quite jokingly as he sat down.
            "Okay upload the chip to my systems, and please make it quick." Said Zero as a small slot opened up on the base of his neck for the chip.


              The Battle of Gensokyo

              "Alright then, the that idea is scrapped, I should use the old tactic of moving then" Sakuyamon sped her way towads the shadow creator

              Nera sighed "You know that buying time will be a bad idea, right? but I guess all of you are just henchmen of another person and are too afraid to face" she said charging her way directly towards the shadow as her paw had blue flames ready to crash with the being
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Sector 3

                Wesker gritted his teeth as he was tackled by the Spartan-III. "You are testing my patience! Why don't you just give up while you have the chance?" Said Wesker as he looked at the female Spartan who was charging towards him. Wesker quickly kneed the Spartan that was on top of him in the gut. Afterwards he proceeds to flip the Spartan off of him. He then quickly hops up and grabs the Female Spartan by the arm. "I must admit... you are more entertaining to fight than a certain other soldier I met years ago." He said as he quickly grabs the female Spartan by the arm. He then proceeds to punch her right in the elbow in an attempt to break her arm.

                Meanwhile the Ndesu 2 had stopped it's charge as it turned to the warthogs firing at it. As it looks at them it let out a loud roar as the shells are only doing so much to slow it down. As it turns around it sees a large pillar that fell over in the room. As the Ndesu 2 walked up to the pillar it picked it up. It then proceeded to swipe it along the ground at the spartans that were attempting to climb onto it.


                  Sector 3

                  The Female Spartan saw what her enemy was trying to do, so she countered by quickly pulling herself close to Wesker, causing him to hit her shoulder and heavily damage the exposed underarmor as well as break the skin around the strike. The strike smashed into the female Spartan's arm, but didn't break it, thanks to her augmented bones. She then followed up with a headbutt, striking Wesker with her visor and cracking it from the sheer force of her momentum and strength. The male Spartan-III quickly stood back up and pulled out his Carbon Steel Combat Knife. The Spartan then rushed over behind Wesker and stabbed towards the base of Wesker's skull.

                  Some of the Spartan-III squad managed to jump over the pillar, but 13 were struck and killed, due to the shock to their soft body tissues. Their bodies flew across the colossal room and struck the wall on the other side. There were now 12 Spartan-IIIs attacking the Ndesu 2. A handful of Spartans managed to climb onto the creature and began to attack any spot they could find.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Sector 3

                    Wesker grinned as he saw how the female spartan countered his attack. As she headbutted him he stumbled back. His injuries from earlier have already completed healing. Wesker quickly turned around to the Spartan behind him as the Spartan attempted to stab him, the knife literally getting stuck in the skin and muscle of Wesker's neck, right above the shoulder. However Wesker still stands as though it was mostly just a scratch. As Wesker looked at the Spartan he quickly grabbed the Spartan by the wrist. Wesker tightened his grip with enough force to break a normal human's hand. "I am beginning to tire of our little game. It is about time I finished this." He yelled as he tightened his grip as hard as he could. He then takes his free arm and prepares to perform another Rhino Charge into the Spartan-III's stomach.

                    As the spartan's climbed the Ndesu 2 the beast dropped the pillar and began to thrash about as it started tossing them off it.

                    Sector 2

                    As Chris and Six made their way to Sector 2 Chris quickly motioned for Six to stop as he saw the many Lickers that were left over. The Lickers were all over the place, the walls, the floor, and the ceiling. "Be quiet Six... these things hunt by sound... make one sudden noise and you'll have a razor sharp tongue through your torso..." Whispered Chris as suddenly the sound of a loud beast roaring could be heard. As the Ndesu 2's roar echoes throughout the entire Prometheus Labs the Lickers quickly stopped and hissed as they began crawling quickly to Sector 3.

                    Chris was quite surprised at what happened. "Well never mind then... looks like we won't have to deal with them now at least..." Said Chris as he began running again. "Let's go!"


                      I continued driving until I saw a building. I was coming up against the side.

                      "Hey, you see that wall there? Good. On my mark, jump to the back seat."

                      I stomped on the gas and we were speeding to the wall.


                        Outside Prometheus Labs

                        Claire who was in the front seat quickly nodded in agreement as she unfastened her seat belt and jumped into the back seat. She then prepares for whatever Gerard has in store.


                          I unbuckled my seat belt.

                          "Now then, have you ever been in an action movie? Well now you know what it feels to be a part of the plot."

                          I flipped a lever that was on the side and the seat leaned back. I jumped to the back with my weapons. The car collided with the wall, bursting through it with force. The car tumbled a good distance.


                            Battle of Gensokyo

                            "Ah, sorry for not introducing myself." The butler smiled. "Admiral Zea Lee. Glad to be of your service."

                            "Foolish." Trebeq huffed as his shadowy men vanished alongside. They merged: the shadows, forged together into a box, trapped Renamon and Nera.
                            "Stay there until the spectacles end." Trebeq hissed. "It'll be easier that way."


                              Battle of Gensokyo

                              "There is one thing you should know about me, Im pretty stuborn when it comes to important stuff" Sakuyamon said focusing a great deal of energy into a big wave of Ametyst Wind inside the box

                              Nera got behind the shaman and charged both an aurasphere and a shadow ball in both hands, then she launched both of them to the wall of the box
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Sector 4-Prometheus Labs, London

                                Raven had paced back and forth in Sector 4 near the entrance to Halsey's lab. The sounds of battle in the sector next door was making Raven anxious. "Damn it... Why am I sitting here while the others are getting killed?" He muttered as he sat down on a nearby crate. As he sits down he looks at his Nasod Arm and proceeds to clench his fist. Raven was a warrior at heart, one who would rather go into a fight rather than sit back and do nothing. Hearing the sounds of gunfire, and whatever the hell else is out there is really getting to him.

                                If this continues any longer then he must go out there.

