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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Test Chamber - Pentagon

    Zero couldn't reach his opponents talons. Instead he ended up getting knocked back to the ground. His body now encased in Ice.

    The purple mist coming off his body stops, and the mist like W in the gem on his forehead disappears. Zero calms down from the ice.

    "What on earth happened!?" He thought as he notices the ice he is trapped in. He begins focusing energy into his Z-Saber. The saber starts to glow orange, and the ice around him begins thawing out. As he get enough room to move his arm he performs an uppercut "Shoenzan!" He yelled as he performed his attack to break the ice. Quickly he then charges the boosters in his legs. Holding the Z-Saber above his head he propels himself into the air. Z-Saber ready to pierce his opponent. He uses one more burst from his leg boosters to get him spinning like a drill. "DON'T MOVE!" He yells as he hopes to pierce through the dragon's body.
    Last edited by NeoFox; 05-14-2013, 07:51 AM.


      Over Osaka, Japan

      Marisa's broomstick stopped in it's tracks as Marisa's eyebrow raised. An odd storm was coming in on the horizon, occasional flashes of a bright orange coming through.

      "Shit. Thermal storm. That's gonna freeze this place solid, ze." Marisa said as she turned her broomstick around. "Off I got to find another way to complete my fantastical journey, da ze."

      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


        Test Chamber - Pentagon

        Thr Frost Wyrm haven't seen his own blood in ages. Throughout his training, his body grew into a hard exoskelrton, blocking off any sharp attacks. So what's this?

        Enraged, Frost Wyrm reared his head, screaming with limited English: "Icy death. Awaits you."
        The dragon breathed a deadly blast of cold wind that turned the affected area into frozen air. The wyvern was planning on freezing Zero whole.

        Osaka, Japan

        "So how is our little friend doing?" Yuuka asked Renamon as she entered the building.


          Test Chamber - Pentagon

          Zero's attack worked almost near perfectly. Zero quickly grips onto his Z-Saber as he falls back down to the ground. As he is falling he looks at the dragon and tosses his Z-Saber at the dragon.

          "If my Z-Buster was not damaged I would be in better fighting condition!" He thought as he lands on the ground. Zero can feel frost forming on his body as he lands. He slowly comes to a stand and looks up at the dragon. "My body is designed for cold, and heat! A little frost won't be enough to stop me!" He said as he gets into a defensive position. His Z-Saber either missed his target, or impaled the dragon through the stomach.


            Osaka, Japan

            "He is sleeping on the chair at the moment, took my time to get all his weaponry" Renamon said gesturing the many weapons on the back of the room. There were pistols, submachine guns, and grenades, and on a nighstand where all the bullets, some with the stench of that scent.
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Osaka, Japan

              Yuuka inspected the bullets. She smelled... hemp plants on the green bullets, opium flowers on the gray bullets...
              "This guy is a drug dealer." Yuuka announced as the tied man woke up.
              "Gah!" The man twitched as he woke up, still feeling the pain from Renamon's punch. "Where am I?"
              "You're abducted, you idiot." Yuuka smiled sadistically. "We're going to ask you some questions.♡"


                Courtyard - Pandemonium - Gensokyo

                X runs up to the gap, and looks in. He turns to John with an all too serious look on his face. "I'll see you at the base John." He said as he dashes into the gap with his built in leg accelerators. As he reaches the other side he sees several of the men at the base stunned at the portal, and X as he emerges from it.


                  Ykari's Gap - ???

                  John jumped into the gap Yukari had made for X and him.
                  John was greeted to the same many eyed void from before. He ran and followed X to the other side.
                  Last edited by S121; 05-14-2013, 03:23 PM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Military Base - Okinawa - Japan

                    As X emerged from the gap he looks at the men there. The men are startled, but not as much as his commander. "X what on earth are you doing here!?" He yelled as X looks at him. "I'm here to get a few things." Replied X as he looks at his commander. His commander looks up at X with an angry look. "You know you are not allowed access to your upgrades without my authorization!" Said his commander in a very angered tone. X walks past him and stops. He turns to his commander. "I'm taking on the Neo-Yakuza with my own team. Word is they have a large amount of character hostages. Now I am demanding access to my armor upgrades." Said X. The look on his face shows that he is not playing games. His commander looks at him shocked. "The Neo-Yakuza huh? You will need more than a small team, and upgrades." Said his commander. His commander knew of the threat that the Neo-Yakuza can be. "I will be sending a Alpha Team with you on your mission. I'll tell them to get the copter ready. You go on ahead and get whatever you need." He said as he walks off. X looks at John as he emerges through the gap. "I got us in John. The commander is also sending a few men with us for back up." He said as he waits for John's response.


                      Army Base - Okinawa - Japan

                      "They better get their best equipment. There's no telling how dangerous this will be for them.

                      John walked past the Commander and followed X to the armory.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Neo-Yakuza HQ, island off-shore Osaka, Japan

                        "Sir, we received notice that Mr. Vance, who should've arrived from his abduction trip, has been kidnapped by two unknown Characters." A human agent reported. A man behind a large wheeled chair sipped his wine.
                        "Given Mr. Vance's characteristics, he won't last long before spilling the bean. Prep the facility, and put Squadron Ichi in standby." The man in the chair commanded. The agent bowed and left the office.
                        Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-14-2013, 04:58 PM.


                          Military Base - Okinawa - Japan

                          Although Aqua had been pretty much unconscious, she had heard what they had said and she knew that she was not ready to go head on.
                          Instead she follows X and John when their gap opens.

                          When she arrives at the end she looks around. ("I should get some sleep").
                          "How long until we leave? I have to get some more rest"
                          Born in the light.
                          Molded in the dark

                          Never Forget,
                          Keep Fighting.
                          –Don't Forget.
                          Always, somewhere,
                          someone is fighting for you.
                          –As long as you remember her,
                          you are not alone.


                            Army Base - Okinawa - Japan

                            John followed X into the armory. There were many assortments of guns, grenades, and ammo.
                            John knew many of the armaments' names from his history class, back when he was in his Spartan basic training.

                            He grabbed three duffle bags and started filling them up.

                            In the first one, he put an RPG, a Barret 50 caliber sniper rifle, and an anti-air missile launcher.
                            In the second bag, he placed a GAU-16 and ten cases of its respective ammo. The last bag held ammo and grenades.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Secret Off-Shore Neo-Yakuza Base

                              I woke up to someone's touch. It was Komachi, looking rather clumsy. Either it was the middle of the night and she was drunk or it was morning... And she was drunk.

                              "Miss Shiki, they're calling us down." No alcohol on her breath. How surprising.

                              "Alright, I'm coming." I walked down the hallway to the conference room.

                              "Ah. Miss Shiki, I presume? As you may already know, we are sending you on your first mission to Britain. You will board a ship to Okinawa. There, we will have two days before we take a plane. We will stop at Russia for refuling before we head to Britain. We would have sent you to Paris, but another team is headed there. You have until after lunch to do as you please. Any questions?"

                              Komachi spoke up. "Will there be saké?" I smaked her with the rod on the head. "Do not ask such absurd questions!"

                              "There will not be," said the chief. "You do, however, have two days to gather whatever you like in Okinawa."

                              He then dismissed us, and Otori rushed up to me. "Hey, that thing is kinda powerful. Don't you think you hit miss Komachi a little too hard?"

                              "Think nothing of it. For one, Komachi is from my world, so it shouldn't hurt as much for her. Secondly, she is strong, to she can take as many of these as I give her, not that she enjoys it. And third of all, it's morning, so I didn't hit her that hard, and I haven't written a single sin on the rod." Now he was the one who looked confused.

                              "Ah that's right. You don't think much of this rod other than the fact that it's a pentagonal stick. Well, like I said, it is the Rod of Remorse, passed down from Yama to Yama. With the help of a mirror I use to look into others' pasts, which I left, I can write down sins of someone. The more dire the sin, the heavier he rod gets. And then I beat the offender until they repent. Neat, isn't it? "

                              He nodded. "Come now, miss Shiki. We only have six hours." I walked along side him with Komachi looking as stupid towards us as ever. "Oh, by the way, Otori," I started, "you needn't worry about getting hit by the rod. That is, if you don't do anything stupid, or worse...lie." I continued down the hallway while laughing. Otori stopped in shock for a while, but then he caught up with us. And then, as if it were a natural act...

                              "Hey, Otori, you got any saké here?"
                              Last edited by wonderweiss; 05-14-2013, 05:15 PM.


                                Army Base - Okinawa - Japan

                                Aqua asked John a question.

                                "There should be a barracks here. I'll get you when it's time to go.

                                (my previous post is the biggest I can make. My PSP has a character limit.)
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

