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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Honolulu, Hawaii

    "Let me see..." Lt. Trelawney skimmed through his iPad. "So the enrire trip is going to be 7 days and 6 nights. Firat two days are recreational vacation, to lessen the hour difference between time zones. Then, the next two days are consisted of orientation and audition..."
    "Worry about that later, let's hop out! I want to smell fresh air!" Nitori ecstatically jumped up and down as she walked outside to look at Hawaii.


      Honolulu, Hawaii

      Isaac walked out of the plane and looked at his surroundings. It was more beautiful than his world's Hawaii. His was a very modernized one, with skyscrapers covering the majority of the island. This one had palm trees, fresh smelling air, and the Sun's rays bathed the area with its warmth.

      Isaac had his helmet disassemble and go into his suit, so he could feel the full effect of his surroundings.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Research Facility, Somewhere in the U.S - 1 months ago

        (I remember it all now.
        I am a Keyblade Master that will make sure the balance between light and darkness is where it is supposed to be as opposed to where it is now.
        The only way to be sure of making such a world is to forge the χ-blade, open the door to Kingdom Hearts and spread the whole world in darkness.
        I think I have a fairly good plan to how i will forge the χ-blade.
        In one month I'm going to Hawaii. Maybe i can find something interesting there.)
        Born in the light.
        Molded in the dark

        Never Forget,
        Keep Fighting.
        –Don't Forget.
        Always, somewhere,
        someone is fighting for you.
        –As long as you remember her,
        you are not alone.


          Dead; Komachi

          "I see that you are looking this up. No worries. I'll explain to you what you're dealing with myself. The mansion master is Remilia Scarlet, and she's a vampire. She's the self-proclaimed daughter of Dracula, but I have no idea who he is, so I never really payed mind to it.

          "Her little sister is Flandre Scarlet. I see her a lot. She's also a vampire, but with crystal wings.

          "Next is their head maid, Sakuya Izayoi. She can warp time and space, and her specialty is knives. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side if I were you.

          "Remilia has a friend living there named Patchouli Knowledge. She loves to read. I saw her library, and it's HUGE. She always seems to be wearing her pajamas, though. I don't know whether that is actual clothing or she is too far into her books to care to change.

          "Last is the gate keeper, Hong Meiling. She is a hard worker and just as devoted to her work as I am. She's an inspiration to us all. So, did that help?"

          Train Wreck, Nevada; Otori

          "What? Leave? This may be normal for you, but this is ground-breaking news for my world. And like you said, 'this is your average blaze,' so I don't see what Hank is so worked up about. Let me talk to him."

          Shinki's Palace; Shiki

          "Ah, thank you. Oh, by the way, have you seen Komachi lately? She doesn't seem to be home."
          Last edited by wonderweiss; 05-29-2013, 12:34 PM.



            John turned to Komachi and said,"Yep. That pretty much covers everything."

            John then turned to Hank.

            "Just remember, we're here to explore, NOT pick fights with little vampire children."
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Honolulu, Hawaii

              "Finally." Said Zero as he unbuckles himself and stands up. Helmet off, but under his arm. He takes Nitori's bags out from the over head compartments. He then takes a step off the plane. Looking at his new surroundings. The wind blowing through his hair as he closes his eyes. "Can't believe Alia is working here..." Said Zero to himself as he begins following Nitori.


                Youkai Mountain

                Yuuka flew over to Youkai Mountain, a tall mountain that many Youkai species, such as Tengu and Kappa, call home. They are very territorial, and often will act hostile towards outsiders. However, Yuuka has appeared her face many times, so the residents of the mountain often acts gentle, out of respect as a sage and out of hospitality.
                "Hey, is Mitori here?" Yuuka asked one of the Kappa playing by the waterfall.
                "Mitori? She went out. She said she's visiting Nazrin in Muenzuka." The Kappa answered. "Are you looking for something?"
                "I was wondering if she had laptop chargers." Yuuka responded. "I might as well go see if Rinnosuke has one."

                Honolulu, Hawaii

                "Well we need to reserve a hotel first!" Nitori happily exclaimed, pointing at a tall, sparkling skyscraper. "That place looks good! Let's go there!"
                "Well, it says on here that we can choose wherever we desire to stay, so why not?" Lt. Trelawney agreed. "The government and NASA are paying for it anyway."
                Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-29-2013, 02:13 PM.


                  Scarlet Devil Mansion, Gensokyo; Komachi

                  "Ah, here we are!"

                  The mist dissipated to reveal a giant mansion in front of a lake. "Look at the lake! That is misty lake. It's quite big. Cirno's around here... somewhere... oh, well. Must have something to do. Now behind us, if you couldn't guess, is the SDM. Hey, look. It's Meiling."

                  I ran up to her. She was asleep. "HEY, MEILING!!!"

                  She woke up. "Who's there?! I'm not afraid to beat you sensele- oh, hey Komachi. Did someone die?"

                  "Oh, no. Just taking these two for a tour. Meiling, the one with the floating hands is Hank, and the armored one is John. Guys, this is Meiling."


                    Honolulu, Hawaii

                    Zero overhears the conversation and perks up as he sees the hotel. "This is the hotel she works at..." Said Zero as he walks into the hotel lobby. Looking around for the main desk he finally sees Alia. A pink armored Reploid with shoulder length blonde hair is behind the main desk working. The expression on her face is that of a hard worker. Zero looks over his shoulder at the others. "What are you waiting for?" Said Zero as he turns to Alia again.


                      Honolulu, Hawaii

                      "I wanna reserve a penthouse!" Nitori cheered.
                      "Nitori, even though we're funded by government, we shouldn't recklessly use money like that. Two suite rooms would be fine." Lt. Trelawney said as he approached the reception desk. "We would like to reserve two suite rooms, please."


                        Gensokyo, Road to SDM

                        After dealing with the fence, Renamon said her goodbies to the Nekomata

                        Suddenly she felt a faint smell of the soldier and red-head, but it was mixed with death ("Probably they are traveling close to a cementery") the fox thought while following the scent

                        After going through the forest and roads, the vixen found a mansion, and even better she found Komachi and John talking to what looked like a guard.

                        "Looks like I finally managed to find you people" Renamon greeted the group
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Honolulu, Hawaii

                          Alia looks up at Trelawney from her work. "We have two suite rooms available on the top most floor. Will those be alright with you sir..." She said as she glances over Trelawney's shoulder. She sees Zero without his helmet on behind them. Completely forgetting her work she stands up and walks out from behind the reception desk. She then marches to Zero's location. Both of them giving a serious glare to each other for a few seconds before Zero puts down Nitori's bags. "Hey Alia." He said as he simply holds out his hand.

                          Alia smiles warmly and returns the handshake. "You didn't tell me that you were coming to Hawaii last night. I'm assuming your with these three?" Replied Alia as she turns to Trelawney, Nitori, and Isaac.


                            "Oh, hi, Renamon! This is Meiling. Meiling, this is Renamon. She's a deep thinker!"

                            "Oh. Hey, there. Well, I hate to disappoint, but the mistress is out. Would you like to come inside anyways?"

                            "Okay. Isn't she great, Renamon? A hard worker, just like me!"


                              Scarlet Devil Mansion gate

                              Renamon looked at the guard, long red hair, tall body and chinese clothing.. and a similar face of nodding off like Komachi

                              "You could say that both of you are hardworkers, besides I heard that this place has a large library, may I have permission to look for some information or to the woman in charge of it?" The fox asked to Mailing
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                                "Looks like I finally managed to find you people.", Renamon said.

                                "Come to see the sights too?", John said.

                                John then focused his attention to Meiling.

                                "Nice to meet you."

                                Honolulu, Hawaii

                                Isaac watched as Zero and Alia talked. He was trying to figure out how they knew each other.

                                "So, I take it you know each other?"
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

