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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Bridge under construction - Old Hell

    "That's the thing... they just appeared there as a trail... at the end of the trail someone in a black hood knocked me out. I had the strangest dream where these people were trying to tell me that I'm a clone of some robot..." X said as he stands up. "Then Dr. Light told me that no matter what people say I am me, no one else. My memories belong to me, and the friends I share them with. Nothing can change that fact." Said X as he opens a small compartment on his arms for the Z-Saber to stay in.

    Lisborn - Australia

    Dynamo turns to the large beast and whistles. "Looks like somebody's angry!" He said as he readies his arm cannon.


      Lisborn, Australia

      Beowulf continues to charge at the group, specifically Vergil. Vergil however manages to roll out of the way while Beowulf tries to stop, but ends up slamming into the side of the van. "Quick make your attack!" Said Vergil as he runs towards Beowulf, his blade drawn.

      Honolulu, Hawaii

      Dante stretches and looks at the already healed scar on his chest. "Damn tree branch..." He said as he feels something in his throat. "Oh god!" He said as he runs to a nearby trashcan where he proceeds to cough up a few leaves.
      Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


        The Bridge under Construction - Old Hell

        "That's the thing... they just appeared there as a trail... at the end of the trail someone in a black hood knocked me out. I had the strangest dream where these people were trying to tell me that I'm a clone of some robot...
        Then Dr. Light told me that no matter what people say I am me, no one else. My memories belong to me, and the friends I share them with. Nothing can change that fact.", X said as he put the Z-saber into a compartment on his arm.

        "X, I would highly recommend that you be careful when dealing with those guys. Those hooded figures were the people that attacked Old Hell. They tried to convert me when I killed one of them. I'm going to show you a video of what they're capable of.", John said as he began to stream the video of the whole battle.

        It was from the point where Renamon and John were surrounded by them, to the point where John exited The Realm of Darkness.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          The Bridge, under Construction

          "Okuu, I need the timbersaw to cut the bamboo." Yuuka asked.
          "Here you go." Utsuho handed Yuuka a wicked-looking saw. "Why did you ask us to bring the bamboo anyway?"
          "Lighting." Yuuka answered. "Adding a little bit of lighting to the side calls for beautiful integration and design."

          Honolulu, Hawaii

          "I'll check in my backpack." Nitori responded, searching through her backpack. She then drew out a kit of tools. "Here's the soldering kit."
          "My tendrils can work as both precision laser and bonder." EVE answered. "I just need ABEL attached to me as add-on."



            Marisa and Mima decided to head to land, leaving Salvador and Pontius to argue with each other over the last piece of barbecue. Mima looked around, seeing that most of the damage from earlier was already being rebuilt by the ATP engineers.
            "They work fast." Mima commented.

            "Yep, ze." Marisa replied. Marisa then noticed someone out of the corner of her eye, and turned to see Winslow. "Winslow, that you?"

            "Ah, Mrs. Kirisame, long time, no see." Winslow said.

            "You know this guy?" Mima asked.

            "Yeah, he's in charge of the Inventory, that place I told you about." Marisa explained.

            "Ah, that place." Mima held out her hand and Winslow shook it. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Winslow, I'm Mima, Marisa's old friend."

            "A pleasure to meet you." Winslow said.

            "Why are you even here, ze?" Marisa inquired.

            "Good question, Mrs. Kirisame. We are opening new entrances to the Inventory in many places, and this is simply one of many." Winslow explained, pointing over to the large brick box on a side street. "GLaDOs suggested it, and I saw no reason why not."

            "Maybe because it's her, ze?" Marisa pointed out

            "A viable point. Would you like to come in for a drink?" Winslow invited.

            Mima and Marisa looked at each other and shrugged.

            "Why not? Might be nice. Could use a drink myself." Mima said.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              Honolulu, Hawaii

              "My tendrils can work as both precision laser and bonder." EVE answered. "I just need ABEL attached to me as add-on."

              "Okay, time to get started.", Isaac said as his helmet folded away.

              Isaac pulled up a chair next to EVE and began to pry open Zero's damaged databanks.

              After the long task of removing all of the fused metal, Isaac began to survey the damage with more scrutiny.

              "I'm going to need you to cut all of the burned parts off of the chip.", Isaac said to EVE.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Bridge under construction - Old Hell

                "Well I didn't find Zero... just his parts and saber... but they are his." Said X as he received the video from John.

                X watches the whole fight in the video unfold.

                "I will be careful when facing them." Said X as he sits back down.

                "If it wasn't for Dr. Light appearing... I probably would have been consumed by that darkness..." Said X as the word darkness keeps echoing throughout his head.

                "Reminds me of Lumine a bit..." He chuckled trying to lighten the mood. Anyways if you need any help cutting the bamboo guys I would be glad to help." He said as a small smile comes over his face.


                  Bridge under construction - Old Hell

                  After talking with X, John began to think about what Ansem had said.

                  "You John have potential to use that darkness. I have granted you the power to use the power of darkness.
                  To use it or not is your choice. I'll be waiting, John... for you to sense it and yield to the darkness in your heart!"

                  John thought about his new-found abilities, the power of darkness.

                  (What am I going to do about this situation? Is it going to be that once I use it, I'll be consumed, or can I use it for good?)

                  John looked at the strange crystal Yukari had given him.

                  "When you get to Hawaii tomorrow, contact me through this.", Yukari's voice echoed in John's head.

                  (Or perhaps I'll know the answer soon enough.), John thought as he put the crystal away.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    (Gotta 1cc SA. BRB)
                    Honolulu, Hawaii

                    "Right." EVE said as one of her tendril turned to a thin dissection blade. She then mechanically maneuvered the blade to cut off the burned parts without fault. One perk of having a machine to help you.

                    Base 1, Classified Location

                    "Sir, the dispatch is coming from the rogue base that was once Base 2." A small goblin-like creature hissed.
                    "Very well." An unknown figure in the shadows nodded. "Patch the communications to me."
                    "Roger that." The goblin grinned, and retreated. Moments later, a holographic screen displayed Volgin.

                    "I thought you kicked the bucket, Volgin." The shadowy figure smiled maliciously. "What happened?"


                      Honolulu, Hawaii

                      Once EVE was done, Isaac asked her to use the laser again.

                      "Okay, now I need you to cut the nano-boards so they can fit perfectly onto Zero's databanks, kind of like puzzle pieces. Then, just cut corners into the nano-boards, so that we can graph the boards to the databanks.", Isaac said as he prepared the nano-scale soldering kit.
                      Last edited by S121; 06-13-2013, 03:38 PM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Honolulu, Hawaii

                        "Extracting Zero's databank measurement." EVE beeped, calculating. "Okay, got it."
                        EVE meticulously sliced through the nano-boards with her precision lasers until the nano-boards were in perfect size and shape.
                        "Good enough for ya?" EVE asked.


                          Honolulu, Hawaii

                          "Good enough for ya?" EVE asked.

                          "Perfect. Now I need you to use the molecular bonder and fuse both of them together, to create one board.", Isaac said.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Office, Base 2, Australia; Volgin

                            "Kicked the bucket? Why, I would never do that. You kicked me out. I just had a little...change of heart is all. Now, why did you only officially cut us off. We were no longer a part of your crew, yet you only cut our budget in half. I certainly wonder as to why."


                              In the middle of nowhere, Idaho
                              I walk to the farmer's house, and start taking the potatoes, carrots, eggs, and beets. After I'm finished plucking, I run off, back to the city of Pocatello to sell all this stuff and possibly buy something to eat, or if I sell enough of it, I can get a house, even!
                              I attempt to sell all this stuff, yet, I was selling carrots for 50 dollars a carrot, the beets were $20, and the eggs were $1000 a carton. I make up all this mumbo jumbo like "These eggs will make you live for 50 more years!" and "The beets are the tastiest thing you'll eat!" and other stuff like that, but no one buys. I am very, very disappointed, so I sell them for things like 12 dollars a carton. Soon all the stuff is gone, and I have nothing left to sell. I did make at least $35, though, so that cheered me up.
                              *Le general internet addict*


                                In the middle of nowhere, Idaho

                                A old man walks up to the weird creature.
                                "Now look at what we have here. Let's see what game could this be from".
                                The old man finds a big collection of documents and begin looking trough them.
                                "Ah, yes, a Scrafty. How interesting."
                                The old man looked around for any other pokemons. "Tell me, what are you doing around here? It's not safe around here"
                                Born in the light.
                                Molded in the dark

                                Never Forget,
                                Keep Fighting.
                                –Don't Forget.
                                Always, somewhere,
                                someone is fighting for you.
                                –As long as you remember her,
                                you are not alone.

