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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Hakurei Shrine

    The fox and jackal sped up their pace and got close to the spartan "So what is the plan soldier boy?" she asked him
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Hakurei Shrine

      Jason turned the Mantis over to Mokou and spoke.

      "What the f*ck!? Didn't you hear me the first time!? THIS THING CAN'T FLY! It doesn't have boosters, or thrusters, or anything like that, so you shooting fireballs at me is not going to do sh*t! It's not going to make me fly!", Jason yelled at Mokou.

      "I would fly if I could, but I can't. Should I get someone to carry the Mantis?", he then asked.

      Gensokyo Skies

      "We fly high in the air until the army fronts give us the signal to descend into the middle of the Nucleoids. From there, we kill the army.", John said to Renamon and Nera.
      Last edited by S121; 07-27-2013, 02:26 AM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        I turned to Daiyousei.

        "Daiyousei... I've caused you enough trouble. The last thing I want is for you to deal with the officials because of my reckless acts."

        I turned to the tengus.

        "Young lady, I am going to tell you something. I don't care if I have to deal with a diety. But right now, aliens are moving in as we speak! Daiyousei would be a very valuable asset to the team. I've seen her. She fought a bunch of aliens and not once was she hit. Not only that, but every fire she shot hit dead on. If you want someoneto point fingers at, do so at me! But right now, she needs to meet up with the team! For all we know they're moving out into an operation, so allow her to fight and restrict me!"

        It was pretty obvious... That everything about me changed.


          Hakurei Shrine

          "Alright I hear you." Mokou aborted her kick.
          "Mokou, can you carry 4,000 pounds?" Yuuka asked.
          "Nope, remember, I'm just a human." Mokou shook her head. "You could ask Flandre though- oh there she comes right now."
          Flandre skipped along the shrine, humming a childrens' song. In what ways can she be able to carry something 4,000 pounds?

          Tengu Village

          "Mister..." Daiyousei stared at HM. "This will only take me 2 minutes."
          Suddenly, it seemed as if the entire nature was against HM, trees breathing hostility to him, the ground eager to sink him to the molten core, the leaves turning into sharp blades to strike...


            Hakurei Shrine

            Jason breathed a sigh of relief that Mokou wasn't going to try and melt his Mantis, but all of a sudden, a little girl came up.

            "Umm... I really hope that she's stronger than she looks because she really doesn't look all that strong., Jason said to Mokou.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              "But do we have two minutes?"

              Suddenly, things felt... Out of place.

              "What are you doing, tengus? Are you going to fight me?!"

              There is no time for this! We need to get back now! It's only been barely an hour and an entire mansion is filled with aliens, who knows what they'll do to the rest of Gensokyo!


                Hakurei Shrine

                "Oh you will see." Mokou said, smiling at Flandre. "Hey, Flandre, can you help us lift this guy and his little toy up?"
                "Yay!" Flandre giggled happily, dashing over to Mantis. Then...
                "Heave ho!" Flandre grabbed Mantis by her right hand, her left hand supporting the right arm. The 4,000 pound chunk of metal was lifted by Flandre's right arm.

                Tengu Village

                "What's going on here?" A tall Tengu appeared from behind Hatate. The tall Tengu had a somewhat revealing traditional Tengu dress, as well as the Tokin hat and a giant golden two-tip trident. The overall aura told that this Tengu was someone not to mess around with.
                "Se- Serin-Domo!" Hatate bowed, and so did the White Wolfs.
                "At ease." Serin motioned Hatate and the White Wolfs to standby. Then she noticed Daiyousei. "What is the Greater Deity doing here?"
                "Trying to get Tenma to clear this man's records." Daiyousei answered.
                "Oh, I'll tell him, you go on ahead." Serin shrugged her shoulders.
                "Hehe, I'll owe you one." Daiyousei smiled, breaking the Moriya iron handcuffs as if they were made out of custards.
                "Just pay in drinks."


                  Hakurei Shrine

                  The sudden movement upwards sent Jason into a panic.

                  "HOLY SH*T!!! How is this even possible!?!?, Jason yelled inside of his Mantis.

                  "Please don't drop me.", Jason then said to Flandre in a very nervous tone.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    En-toure to Youkai mountain

                    the fox and the jackal jumped their way to the mountain "So another bloodhed will start, I really wish this mess could end peacefully" Renamon sighed

                    "Unfortunately war is something you donīt win, the more powerful side loses the less resources only" Nera said with a sad tone
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      "... Very well then... Let us carry on..."

                      I turned around, trying not to make any eye contact with Daiyousei. I felt a little ashamed that not only did I create such a scene, but I dragged it out longer than needed.

                      "Let's go, Daiyousei. They may be awaiting our arrival..."

                      I tried to take the lead to avoid eye contact. I tried to keep my head up high, but my head... Became much heavier.


                        Moriya Shrine

                        With a bit more climbing, HM and Daiyousei arrived to Moriya Shrine, a quaint little place of worship on top of the mountain. It was empty.
                        "I wonder where Cirno could be." Daiyousei wondered, looking around from the entrance. "Let's split up and find her."


                          "... Aye. I'll search the east side and the inside. You go che-"

                          Then I noticed... There was a giant patch of ice nearby.

                          "Well, if that isn't a sign of an ice fairy, I don't know what is."

                          At this point, I wanted to switch back into my playful side, but I couldn't, not until I settle things with Daiyousei.

                          "Let's go check together."


                            Moriya Shrine

                            "Okay." Daiyousei nodded, following and eventually reaching the ice patch with HM. At the ice patch, Cirno wasn't there... but there was a note.
                            "It says... 'Eye'm bored of waiting for you, Suwako. Eye'm going back to Hakurei Shrine.'" Daiyousei read.


                              ... That... Spelling... I never was a grammar nazi... But this...

                              "Looks like it's wise to go back."

                              I began walking back. Better patch things up now.

                              "So, Daiyousei... That was quite a scene back there, huh?"


                                Moriya Shrine

                                "Yeah. Sorry about not telling you this, but I can control Nature and stuff." Daiyousei laughed nervously, scratching her head. "It's really a hassle for a fairy like me, but the extra potential strength helps."

