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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Consumer

    Zero's crescent strike cut through the Devourer's right hand.
    "Surprising." The Devourer rose his eyebrows. His right hand regenerated almost instantly. "But not enough."

    The fissure leads to the floor under the Devourer's chamber. On the floor are horrible abominations caged in, their existence too horrible to be written in history.

    "But the buttons looks so interesting..." Daiyousei argued as she looked around. A lever caught her interest. There was a writing in German that said "Glide".
    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 08-31-2013, 05:44 PM.


      Otori looked on. "Jeez.. Are fairies like this? Should we stop her?"

      I thought on it. "... Well, HM did say find anything interesting. I guess... We.. Join her?"

      Otori and I looked around.


        The Consumer

        As Zero fell into the fissure and to the floor below Zero managed to land safely thanks to his internal balancing systems. As Zero looked around he saw the many abominations that were locked in cages. Seeing this Zero smirked as he tightened his Z-Saber and readied his Z-Buster. "Well isn't this just wonderful..." He said to himself as he slowly walks through the floor, keeping his guard up as he began to try and find his way out.


          The Consumer

          John's eyes widened in shock as Yuuka stopped breathing.

          "N-no. I am not.. leaving you here....... Come on, you're a Youkai, Youkai... never die.", John said in as his voice slightly cracked in sadness as he tried to resuscitate her.

          John moved the Biofoam canister back into the wound and pressed on the nozzle, sending more Biofoam into the wound, but it didn't seem to do anything. Seeing that that didn't work, John tried to think up of something, anything that would bring her back. John's breathing slightly intensified as he continued to think, but nothing would stop whatever was stopping her from regenerating. All John could think about was Yuuka, of how they first met and how she slowly became one of his closest friends. He could remember everything perfectly, as if he was watching it unfold before his eyes...

          John remembered how cold she was to him at first, how she was unsure whether or not to trust him back at the flower shop.

          ...("Hello? Are you alright?")

          ("I'm fine. You should be worried more about the fox.")...

          He had remembered how in the beginning, she even went so far as to make up a story of who she really was. Of course, she had her reasons for doing so, but slowly, she began to trust John, to trust the group. John remembered how she bumped into him at his apartment and how she was surprised to see what he really looked like. He remembered how he protected her from the attacking army of Characters and the Neo-Yakuza agents. He even remembered how she eventually warmed up to him. He remembered how happy she was on the plane ride to Hawaii, how she made jokes at his expense.

          ..."Pfft, hey I got one." Yuuka managed to hold her laughter. "Okay, okay, a Spartan walked into a bar and sat down."
          "And then? What happened?" Utsuho giggled.
          "The chair broke!" Yuuka bursted out, and the two laughed uncontrollably again...

          ...("Hey, hey Utsuho." Yuuka snickered. "How many humans does it take to lift a Spartan?"
          "How many?" Utsuho asked.
          "300!" Yuuka couldn't resist, and Utsuho got the joke. They both laughed uncontrollably.)

          ("Yea, yea, very funny.")...

          She may have made jokes at John's expense, but she was happy. John would have given anything just to see her smile that same smile, to be alive. John even remembered her goodbye to him when this whole mess started. This was the point where John truly saw that she cared about him, that she trusted him.

          ...("Wait." Yuuka said to Yukari, turning and walking close to John.

          "I... I'm no good at saying goodbye, but I just wanted to say... Thanks."
          "Thanks for persuading me to follow you when I really wanted to run away. Thanks for putting up with my selfish goal of rescuing Wriggle. Thanks for... Saving my life when Tricky's insanity transferred over to me. Thanks for... Everything."
          "Visit me once in a while in Gensokyo. Or else I'll be so lonely."
          "Hey... If you're going to be the man for Yukari... You need to make sure you treat her like your queen. She deserves it."
          As Yuuka entered the gap, she turned back to look at John, her teary eyes gazing out, her mouth curling upwards into a sad smile. "You're my last reason for existing in this world, so don't die on me. If you do, I might not be able to wake up from the eternal sleep.")...

          He even remembered how she saved his life by taking him to Eirin when he was poisoned and was about to die, and how she stuck by him until the end.

          John remembered everything. For John, it felt as if an eternity passed by as he recollected his time with Yuuka, but in reality, it had only been a matter of seconds. John looked back down to the body of his friend and began to breathe heavily as her last words echoed through his head.

          ("Aww hell... I was all alone after all.")

          John held her tightly and spoke out to her, hoping that by some miracle that she would hear him.

          "Listen to me. You were not alone. We were there with you all the way. Y-you can not die!"

          ("I... I'm no good at saying goodbye, but I just wanted to say... Thanks."
          "Thanks for persuading me to follow you when I really wanted to run away. Thanks for putting up with my selfish goal of rescuing Wriggle. Thanks for... Saving my life when Tricky's insanity transferred over to me. Thanks for... Everything.")

          "I was with you the whole time. I was there for you when you needed me.", John's voice cracked as the sadness slowly overwhelmed him.

          ("Visit me once in a while in Gensokyo. Or else I'll be so lonely.")

          "We go together, and you are coming with us. You're going to go back to your home and live happliy as you tend to your garden, just as you have always done."

          ("Hey... If you're going to be the man for Yukari... You need to make sure you treat her like your queen. She deserves it."
          As Yuuka entered the gap, she turned back to look at John, her teary eyes gazing out, her mouth curling upwards into a sad smile. "You're my last reason for existing in this world, so don't die on me. If you do, I might not be able to wake up from the eternal sleep.")

          "I promised you that I would visit you. I promised to keep you safe.. I promised not to die on you so don't you die on me!....... Please...", John quietly said as tears rolled sown inside of his helmet.

          Looking down to Yuuka, John came to a realization, an epiphany that perhaps there was a reason why Spartans were conditioned to be sociopathic, to have their humanity removed. It was the fate of all Spartans to outlive their teammates, their friends, then die alone on the battlefield. No normal person could survive that pain, the knowledge that they were condemned to a life of nothing but war and death.

          John then remained silent as he held the remains of his friend, one of the only people he had ever gotten close to.
          Last edited by S121; 09-01-2013, 03:21 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            The consumer

            Nera barely stood on the other side of the fisure with the deovourer close t her, but what horrified her was the green haired girl losing her own breath, she then faced with an enraged fury to the man "Im sick of you, sick of your killing, sick of your army, sick of your generals, and Im sick of your own existence" she growled as her natural claws had thirst for blood

            "I want you to show me your true face, not that idiotic false calm state of mind you show as a mask, show me the true face you have" she said walking towards the devourer and soon started running towards her target ready for anything

            Domino´s room

            Renamon felt it, rage, blood thirst, vengeance ("By the gods.. she will go at full force") she thought of the jackal

            the vixen faced Domino "Im going to face that person, where is she" she said more as an order than a question

            Core room

            The bounty hunter finished the preparations "Its time to bring hell to this damn place.." she said walking out of the room while entering the core center, the radiation hitted hard, but her suit managed to to keep up with some stress. Samus prepared her grapple beam and fired it to the core. Soon the energy plummeted to her body as it was inmesurably big. ("Just relax, take a deep breath and focus") she thought as her energy levels overcharged and she took off the grapple, her arm cannon was shinning with power as she aimed it to the wall. the blast went and evaporated the wall, and the one behind it and on. The omega cannon was back
            Last edited by Kristia; 09-01-2013, 03:31 AM.
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
              London- Lone Hill, Open Field

              Robin held up his hand, little sparks of energy jumping from his palm and fingertips as he clenched it into a fist. "Heh, Alright then!" And with that Robin sprints off after Chung, his cloak billowing behind him, revealing the shining armor beneath, the mark of a Grandmaster Tactician, as well as his sword and bag with his magic tomes.

              London-Heading to Prometheus Labs

              Chung kept his pace as he had continued to sprint towards the laboratory. He then swung his Destroyer in front of him, proceeding to hold it in front of himself like a battering ram Chung used the sheer momentum of the Destroyer to speed up his descent down the hill. After he reached the bottom of the hill Chung did a leap forward, he then fired a shot from the Destroyer to send him flying forward a little further. As Chung landed he primed the Destroyer before taking off in full sprint towards the Labs again, however Chung is breathing heavily indicating that he is getting quite fatigued. His body is also beginning to cramp slightly as he kept running. His pace slowing down significantly.

              Chung's training to become a guardian of Hamel had prepared him for almost any situation he came across. His sheer strength to wield the Destroyer is also impressive.


                Originally posted by SUSTIC View Post
                London-Heading to Prometheus Labs

                Chung kept his pace as he had continued to sprint towards the laboratory. He then swung his Destroyer in front of him, proceeding to hold it in front of himself like a battering ram Chung used the sheer momentum of the Destroyer to speed up his descent down the hill. After he reached the bottom of the hill Chung did a leap forward, he then fired a shot from the Destroyer to send him flying forward a little further. As Chung landed he primed the Destroyer before taking off in full sprint towards the Labs again, however Chung is breathing heavily indicating that he is getting quite fatigued. His body is also beginning to cramp slightly as he kept running. His pace slowing down significantly.

                Chung's training to become a guardian of Hamel had prepared him for almost any situation he came across. His sheer strength to wield the Destroyer is also impressive.
                Robin was keeping a steady pace. He had to play things smart: he and Chung were going into an unknown situation and if there were hostiles in this tower, then going into battle exhausted would be foolhardy indeed. He tried to imagine what the tower might be like on the inside, tried to formulate some strategy. His mind was racing through possible scenarios. Robin then noticed Chung losing his momentum. "Chung! *huff huff* Don't *huff* push yourself too hard! We still *huff huff huff* don't know what we're up against!"


                  London-Heading to Prometheus Labs

                  Chung had continued running, his heart was racing as he had came to a stop. Chung was taking slow deep breaths as they came across the last hill, a hill overlooking Prometheus Labs. Chung was looking down the hill and at the Laboratory which was now probably at least less than half a mile away by now. Chung turned to Robin. "Don't... worry... I can handle it. After all *huff* I did train my body to it's limits after all." Said Chung as he turned back to the labs. Chung had knelt down, the Destroyer in hand. "The place doesn't look guarded... but I bet the guards or so are inside." Said Chung as he takes one last deep breath. His body relaxing a bit as he began calculating the different actions they could take. "Just charging in is never a good idea with these sort of things." Said Chung as he turned to Robin. "Robin what are you capable of?"


                    Robin squinted slightly as he studied the tower that was once Prometheus Labs. He let magic flow once more into his hand, creating little sparks of energy. "By trade I'm a tactician, but I would believe that my friends would say that I'm just as capable on the field of battle."
                    Another memory surfaced. Robin described portions of it to Chung.
                    Robin was sitting at his desk, piled high with books. Historic strategies lie within the pages. He was reading one when Lon'qu walked in.
                    "Did you need something, Lon’qu?"
                    "It's been too long since we fought. I feared you were neglecting your training, but... Is this mountain of books all treatises on warcraft?"
                    "Yes. I have to balance training my sword arm with honing my tactician's eye. We're a small force up against a big army. We need to fight smart to survive."
                    "... You are a strange one. Strategist or soldier - most men make their choice and don't look back."
                    "Then I choose to be the first man to pick both. I want to keep my friends safe. And the townspeople and everyone else, too. So when my sword won't reach, I'll protect them with my tactics."
                    "You once said you envied me because you had no one to serve as your goal. Perhaps that's because you aim for heights no man has yet achieved."
                    "Is what I said really so revolutionary?"
                    "What you propose is a tremendous undertaking. ... But a worthy one."

                    As Robin Finished his quick narrative, he seemed pleased. He had shared memories with someone: something he couldn't do when he met Chrom...but it was with Chrom and the others he made the memories...That's when he returned to the reality of what was happening. He calmed himself and returned to studying what possible entrances there were in the building before them. "We should look carefully for a way in that would be inconspicuous. Something like a crack in the wall..."


                      London-Close to the labs

                      Chung listened to what Robin had told him. "A strategist and a soldier? Sounds like a decent combination. Anyways you look for an entrance while I cover you. If I spot any guards I will support you with my Destroyer." Said Chung as he takes out a small binocular type of device. He then takes it out and begins scanning the area for any signs of danger.


                        The Consumer

                        "True face?" The Devourer merely sidestepped away from Nera's charge, amused and exhilarated. "Why must I? I'm having a blast, toying with all you mortals! You pathetic lot think that you can somehow grasp an advantage? I have an army million times larger than yours, I have infinite power, I have a hostage! Not even the God can stop me!"

                        'That's true.' Yukari thought. 'He has a clear advantage over us, what with Ran still being held by them...'

                        Yukari's brains suddenly underwent a thought process.

                        "So that's what you were planning." Yukari commented, her eyes clarified. The Devourer for the first time had a confused look.


                        "Thank you for your cooperation." Yukari smiled triumphantly.

                        "What are you-"

                        "I'll stall time! Everyone, go look for Ran! We need her as fast as possible!"


                          The Consumer

                          Nera heard the youkai saying an order, yet she stood "Im staying wether you like it or not Yukari, and don´t you dare to sent me into one of your gaps" she said with a serious tone

                          Domino´s room

                          "You know what? im taking Ran by myself now, I know what you may do, and don´t worry, im giving you a choice, let us go and no one will suffer, or you can disagree and die with me in a bloodbath " Renamon said knowing that the second option was rather posible while walking towards the shikigami

                          The vixen then prepared for either take Ran and run or face the general
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            London-Close to the labs

                            "Erm, alright then." Robin pulls out a tome from his bag with an ancient blue fabric cover and plated with gold with an emblem of a dragon at the center and attaches to a special holster on his belt. He then puts up his hood and moves quickly down to the building, keeping a hand on the hilt of his sword. "Luckily it's dark here so if there are any guards they'll have a tough time of seeing me...but that means it'll be tougher for looking for secret entrances..."


                              The Consumer

                              John quietly stood back up and looked at Yukari. As she spoke John simply nodded once and left Yuuka. He didn't want to, but the mission, humanity was more important than what he felt. John searched for Ran's energy readings, set a waypoint, and sprinted off.

                              As John sprinted towards Domino´s room, his thoughts continued to rest on Yuuka.

                              (She didn't deserve this... She didn't ask for any of this... No more. I'm not going to let another one of us die. This is for Yuuka.), John bitterly thought as he reached Domino's door.

                              In one swift strike, John punched the door, ripping it off it's hinges and sending the door to the ground and entering the room.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Domino´s room

                                The fox heard the spartan´s footsteps and made a weak smirk ("Guess it will be that way then") she thought suddenly taking the Shikigami while transforming to Kyubimon. the now bigger fox used her entire body to cover Ran from Domino´s eye view to avoid hurting her.

                                Kyubimon eyed the oncoming spartan and hoped he could understand the situation of her shielding Ran from the general as she kept running towards John
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


